Borrar filtros
Borrar filtros

Suppress figures instead of displaying each one and closing it.

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Tyler Lawson
Tyler Lawson el 10 de Nov. de 2022
Comentada: Tyler Lawson el 12 de Nov. de 2022
% This code takes RAW SE data, turns the files into text (.txt) files and
% then combines the HIGH, MID, and LOW frequency into one text file which
% can be then multi-selected and those selected files will be put onto a
% plot.
% Enter the directory to search
parentdirectory = uigetdir('*', 'Select Folder with folders inside it');
if isnumeric(parentdirectory); return; end;
dinfo = dir(parentdirectory);
dinfo(~[dinfo.isdir]) = []; %remove ordinary files
dinfo(ismember({}, {'.', '..'})) = []; %remove . and ..
for K = 1 : length(dinfo)
directory = fullfile(dinfo(K).folder, dinfo(K).name);
% List all items in the folder
fileList = dir(directory);
% Delete the subfolders from the list (i.e. only keep files)
fileList(vertcat(fileList.isdir)) = [];
hold all
% Uses folder as title of plot
[ParentFolderPath] = fullfile(directory);
[~, ParentFolderName] = fileparts(ParentFolderPath);
% Loop through each file, copy it and give new extension: .txt
for i = 1:numel(fileList)
file = fullfile(directory, fileList(i).name);
[tempDir, tempFile] = fileparts(file);
status = copyfile(file, fullfile(tempDir, [tempFile, '.txt']));
% Combine HORIZONTAL text files
%location = input("location of test point: ","s");
fileName = ParentFolderName + " HORZ NOM.txt";
dL = dir(fullfile(directory,'*HLF*NOM.txt')); % salt to suit wildcard to match naming convention
dM = dir(fullfile(directory,'*HMF*NOM.txt'));
dH = dir(fullfile(directory,'*HHF*NOM.txt'));
for i = 1:numel(inf) % there must be same number Lo, Mid, High -- add error check first
tD = readtable(fullfile(dL(i).folder,dL(i).name),'numheaderlines',6,'readvariablenames',1);
tD = [tD;readtable(fullfile(dM(i).folder,dM(i).name),'numheaderlines',6,'readvariablenames',1)];
tD = [tD;readtable(fullfile(dH(i).folder,dH(i).name),'numheaderlines',6,'readvariablenames',1)];
% do whatever with each set here before going on...
writetable(tD,fullfile(directory, fileName));
% Combine VERTICAL text files
%location = input("location of test point: ","s");
fileName = ParentFolderName + " VERT NOM.txt";
dL = dir(fullfile(directory,'*VLF*NOM.txt')); % salt to suit wildcard to match naming convention
dM = dir(fullfile(directory,'*VMF*NOM.txt'));
dH = dir(fullfile(directory,'*VHF*NOM.txt'));
for i = 1:numel(inf) % there must be same number Lo, Mid, High -- add error check first
tD = readtable(fullfile(dL(i).folder,dL(i).name),'numheaderlines',6,'readvariablenames',1);
tD = [tD;readtable(fullfile(dM(i).folder,dM(i).name),'numheaderlines',6,'readvariablenames',1)];
tD = [tD;readtable(fullfile(dH(i).folder,dH(i).name),'numheaderlines',6,'readvariablenames',1)];
% do whatever with each set here before going on...
writetable(tD,fullfile(directory, fileName))
% Combine AON text files and save as MR
%location = input("location of test point: ","s");
fileName = ParentFolderName + " AON.txt";
dL = dir(fullfile(directory,'*HLF*AON.txt')); % salt to suit wildcard to match naming convention
dM = dir(fullfile(directory,'*HMF*AON.txt'));
dH = dir(fullfile(directory,'*HHF*AON.txt'));
for i = 1:numel(inf) % there must be same number Lo, Mid, High -- add error check first
tD = readtable(fullfile(dL(i).folder,dL(i).name),'numheaderlines',6,'readvariablenames',1);
tD = [tD;readtable(fullfile(dM(i).folder,dM(i).name),'numheaderlines',6,'readvariablenames',1)];
tD = [tD;readtable(fullfile(dH(i).folder,dH(i).name),'numheaderlines',6,'readvariablenames',1)];
% do whatever with each set here before going on...
writetable(tD,fullfile(directory, fileName))
% Combine FTN text files and save as DR
%location = input("location of test point: ","s");
fileName = ParentFolderName + " FTN.txt";
dL = dir(fullfile(directory,'*HLF*FTN.txt')); % salt to suit wildcard to match naming convention
dM = dir(fullfile(directory,'*HMF*FTN.txt'));
dH = dir(fullfile(directory,'*HHF*FTN.txt'));
for i = 1:numel(inf) % there must be same number Lo, Mid, High -- add error check first
tD = readtable(fullfile(dL(i).folder,dL(i).name),'numheaderlines',6,'readvariablenames',1);
tD = [tD;readtable(fullfile(dM(i).folder,dM(i).name),'numheaderlines',6,'readvariablenames',1)];
tD = [tD;readtable(fullfile(dH(i).folder,dH(i).name),'numheaderlines',6,'readvariablenames',1)];
% do whatever with each set here before going on...
writetable(tD,fullfile(directory, fileName))
grid on
% Changing colors based on alphebetic order
newcolors = {'Blue','Red','#72a75b','#999999','#0003ff'};
% Sets pass/fail line
PFx = [10000 10000000 1000000000];
PFy = [20 80 80];
% Adds pass/fail line to plot
% Changes legend location and removes pass/fail line from legend
Lgnd = legend('Location','northwest');
Lgnd = legend('Horizontal','Vertical','MR','DR','MIL-STD-188-125-1');
Lgnd.FontSize = 14;
% Labels both x and y axis
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)','FontSize',18,'FontWeight','bold');
ylabel('Shielding Effectivness (dB)','FontSize',18,'FontWeight','bold');
% Sets both axis scales
set(gca,'XScale','log','ylim',[-10 200]);
% Removes the values on the plot *Comment out to add them back in*
% set(gca,'xticklabel',[],'yticklabel',[]);
% set(gca,'xticklabel',[],'yticklabel',[]);
% Sets grid lines to dashes, colors
exportgraphics(gcf,ParentFolderName + ".jpg");
  2 comentarios
DGM el 10 de Nov. de 2022
Do you still intend to get the saved figures as output? If not, I'd just define a logical flag that expresses whether plots should be created. Put all the plots inside conditional statements.
createplots = true;
% ...
if createplots
% ...
Is there something wrong with just doing that?
Tyler Lawson
Tyler Lawson el 12 de Nov. de 2022
So I need the .fig file and a .jpg file to save like they currently do. However when running a decent amount at once, I don't want each matlab figure to have to open and then close as it takes time. I tried doing the visibily off but then I cant open the matlab figure later once it is saved unless I open matlab and run a code to view it.

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Respuestas (1)

Simon Chan
Simon Chan el 10 de Nov. de 2022
Set the figure to invisble and use f as the handle in the following example if needed.
f = figure('Visible','off')
  1 comentario
Tyler Lawson
Tyler Lawson el 12 de Nov. de 2022
I tried this... however, the file saves and then I cannot open the figure to make changes or zoom in or whatever later if I wanted.

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