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Set color of Graph with uisetcolor

6 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Frank el 27 de Dic. de 2022
Comentada: Frank el 29 de Dic. de 2022
Hi Guys,
I have a small Problem in Appdesigner. I got a DropDownMenu which where I can choose different Options for a Graph. Now I want that the user of the App can choose the colors for the different DropDown Options. I created a Tab in my app with a DropDown Menu with the same Options and Properties as the one for the Graph and now want that if you choose your Option you can open the Color Picker to choose your color.
So far:
function farbauswahl(app)
for i = app.R.(app.FarbauswahlDropDown.Value(3:14))
This is my Error:
Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 1.
I don´t really understand what the Error means, neither how to solve it.
Maybe I have the wrong approach?
Thank you
  3 comentarios
Frank el 28 de Dic. de 2022
No, "FarbeAuswhlenButtonPushed" is a button that opens the color picker. Which I can use now after writing
function FarbeAuswhlenButtonPushed(app, event)
But, question is how do I now link the different colors to the different values in my drop down menu?
I tried it like this:
b1 = bar(app.UIAxes,app.R.DatumUhrzeit,app.R.(app.EnergietrgerDropDown.Value));
for i = 1:1
b1(i).FaceColor = app.meine_farben(i,:);
and the property "meine_farben" is just a color matrix
app.meine_farben = [0 0 5
1 0 1
0 0 1
2 0 0
2 0 1
0 0 2
3 0 0
3 0 1
0 0 3
4 0 0
4 0 1
0 0 4];
I think I lack communication between the different parts? The thought was to "link" the first row of the color matrix to the first option in the DropDown Menu. And than being able to change color via the button "FarbeAuswhlenButtonPushed", opening the color picker.
Voss el 28 de Dic. de 2022
I guess I was confused because the error was in FarbeAuswhlenButtonPushed, but you shared the code for farbauswahl.

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Voss el 28 de Dic. de 2022
I'm not sure which dropdown menu should be linked to the color matrix, so I call it app.DropDown.
This assumes the color matrix app.meine_farben is already populated (otherwise you'll potentially get rows of zeros):
function FarbeAuswhlenButtonPushed(app, event)
new_color = uisetcolor();
if isequal(new_color,0) % User didn't pick a color
idx = find(strcmp(app.DropDown.Items,app.DropDown.Value),1);
app.meine_farben(idx,:) = new_color;
I'm also not sure how [0 0 5] is a color, or [3 0 1], etc. Usually RGB colors are between 0 and 1 in each channel (or between 0 and 255, etc., depending on the class). Are those on a 0 to 255 scale? If so they're all so close to [0 0 0] as to be basically indistinguishable from black.
  14 comentarios
Voss el 29 de Dic. de 2022
Editada: Voss el 29 de Dic. de 2022
Well, you have to make the colors take effect on the bars. The code you show, setting a bar's FaceColor to a row of app.meine_farben presumably works to set the bars' colors to the existing app.meine_farben, but when app.meine_farben changes, you have to do something to make that change take effect. So either (1) delete and re-create the bars whenever a color is selected, or (2) better, create the bars once and update their colors when a color is selected.
Frank el 29 de Dic. de 2022
Ok, thank you! :) I´ll let you know if it worked!
Thanks for taking the time, you really helped me out here!

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