how to generate different curves(data) from one?

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
arian hoseini
arian hoseini el 15 de Nov. de 2023
Comentada: Mathieu NOE el 20 de Nov. de 2023
I have written this code but i need them to be different not this close this pic....
inputData = [
0.001 0.1;
0.003 0.1;
0.006 0.1;
0.1 0.09;
0.3 0.08;
0.5 0.07;
5 0.01;
7 0.005;
8 0.001;
10 0.0001
numSets = 10; % Number of sets to generate
% Initialize an empty matrix to store the generated data
outputData = zeros(size(inputData, 1), 2, numSets);
for i = 1:numSets
% Generate similar data with increasing amplitude
scalingFactor = i * 0.1;
generatedData = scalingFactor * inputData(:, 1);
sigma = inputData(:, 2);
% Store the generated data in the output matrix
outputData(:,:,i) = [generatedData,sigma];
% Display the generated data for each set
for i = 1:numSets
disp(['Generated Data Set ', num2str(i)]);
plot(outputData(:,1,i), outputData(:,2,i))

Respuesta aceptada

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE el 15 de Nov. de 2023
I used the equations as they appears in the attached image . I thought that would be better rather than trying to derive curves from a master (curve) but that's personnal point of view (I admit)
so , my suggestion (and only one for loop + other corrections)
numSets = 10; % Number of sets to generate
% generatedData = A*exp(-B*sigma);
N = 100; % x data points for each curve
sigma = logspace(-3,1,N)';
A = (2+linspace(0,5,numSets));
B = logspace(3,6,numSets)/1e5;
% Initialize an empty matrix to store the generated data
outputData = zeros(N, 2, numSets);
hold on
for i = 1:numSets
% Generate similar data with increasing amplitude
generatedData = A(i)*exp(-B(i)*sigma);
% Store the generated data in the output matrix
outputData(:,:,i) = [sigma,generatedData];
% Display the generated data for each set
loglog(sigma, generatedData)
disp(['Generated Data Set ', num2str(i)]);
plot(outputData(:,1,i), outputData(:,2,i))
Generated Data Set 1
0.0010 2.0000 0.0011 2.0000 0.0012 2.0000 0.0013 2.0000 0.0015 2.0000 0.0016 2.0000 0.0017 2.0000 0.0019 2.0000 0.0021 2.0000 0.0023 2.0000 0.0025 1.9999 0.0028 1.9999 0.0031 1.9999 0.0034 1.9999 0.0037 1.9999 0.0040 1.9999 0.0044 1.9999 0.0049 1.9999 0.0053 1.9999 0.0059 1.9999 0.0064 1.9999 0.0071 1.9999 0.0077 1.9998 0.0085 1.9998 0.0093 1.9998 0.0102 1.9998 0.0112 1.9998 0.0123 1.9998 0.0135 1.9997 0.0148 1.9997 0.0163 1.9997 0.0179 1.9996 0.0196 1.9996 0.0215 1.9996 0.0236 1.9995 0.0260 1.9995 0.0285 1.9994 0.0313 1.9994 0.0343 1.9993 0.0376 1.9992 0.0413 1.9992 0.0453 1.9991 0.0498 1.9990 0.0546 1.9989 0.0599 1.9988 0.0658 1.9987 0.0722 1.9986 0.0792 1.9984 0.0870 1.9983 0.0955 1.9981 0.1048 1.9979 0.1150 1.9977 0.1262 1.9975 0.1385 1.9972 0.1520 1.9970 0.1668 1.9967 0.1831 1.9963 0.2009 1.9960 0.2205 1.9956 0.2420 1.9952 0.2656 1.9947 0.2915 1.9942 0.3199 1.9936 0.3511 1.9930 0.3854 1.9923 0.4229 1.9916 0.4642 1.9907 0.5094 1.9898 0.5591 1.9888 0.6136 1.9878 0.6734 1.9866 0.7391 1.9853 0.8111 1.9838 0.8902 1.9823 0.9770 1.9806 1.0723 1.9787 1.1768 1.9766 1.2915 1.9743 1.4175 1.9719 1.5557 1.9691 1.7074 1.9661 1.8738 1.9629 2.0565 1.9593 2.2570 1.9554 2.4771 1.9511 2.7186 1.9464 2.9836 1.9412 3.2745 1.9356 3.5938 1.9294 3.9442 1.9227 4.3288 1.9153 4.7508 1.9072 5.2140 1.8984 5.7224 1.8888 6.2803 1.8783 6.8926 1.8668 7.5646 1.8543 8.3022 1.8407 9.1116 1.8258 10.0000 1.8097
Generated Data Set 2
0.0010 2.5555 0.0011 2.5555 0.0012 2.5555 0.0013 2.5555 0.0015 2.5555 0.0016 2.5555 0.0017 2.5555 0.0019 2.5554 0.0021 2.5554 0.0023 2.5554 0.0025 2.5554 0.0028 2.5554 0.0031 2.5554 0.0034 2.5554 0.0037 2.5554 0.0040 2.5553 0.0044 2.5553 0.0049 2.5553 0.0053 2.5553 0.0059 2.5552 0.0064 2.5552 0.0071 2.5552 0.0077 2.5551 0.0085 2.5551 0.0093 2.5550 0.0102 2.5550 0.0112 2.5549 0.0123 2.5549 0.0135 2.5548 0.0148 2.5547 0.0163 2.5547 0.0179 2.5546 0.0196 2.5545 0.0215 2.5544 0.0236 2.5543 0.0260 2.5541 0.0285 2.5540 0.0313 2.5538 0.0343 2.5537 0.0376 2.5535 0.0413 2.5533 0.0453 2.5531 0.0498 2.5528 0.0546 2.5525 0.0599 2.5523 0.0658 2.5519 0.0722 2.5516 0.0792 2.5512 0.0870 2.5508 0.0955 2.5503 0.1048 2.5498 0.1150 2.5492 0.1262 2.5486 0.1385 2.5479 0.1520 2.5472 0.1668 2.5464 0.1831 2.5455 0.2009 2.5445 0.2205 2.5434 0.2420 2.5423 0.2656 2.5410 0.2915 2.5396 0.3199 2.5380 0.3511 2.5363 0.3854 2.5344 0.4229 2.5324 0.4642 2.5301 0.5094 2.5277 0.5591 2.5250 0.6136 2.5220 0.6734 2.5187 0.7391 2.5152 0.8111 2.5113 0.8902 2.5070 0.9770 2.5023 1.0723 2.4972 1.1768 2.4916 1.2915 2.4854 1.4175 2.4787 1.5557 2.4713 1.7074 2.4633 1.8738 2.4544 2.0565 2.4448 2.2570 2.4343 2.4771 2.4227 2.7186 2.4102 2.9836 2.3965 3.2745 2.3815 3.5938 2.3652 3.9442 2.3474 4.3288 2.3280 4.7508 2.3069 5.2140 2.2840 5.7224 2.2591 6.2803 2.2321 6.8926 2.2029 7.5646 2.1712 8.3022 2.1370 9.1116 2.1001 10.0000 2.0602
Generated Data Set 3
0.0010 3.1110 0.0011 3.1110 0.0012 3.1109 0.0013 3.1109 0.0015 3.1109 0.0016 3.1109 0.0017 3.1109 0.0019 3.1108 0.0021 3.1108 0.0023 3.1108 0.0025 3.1107 0.0028 3.1107 0.0031 3.1107 0.0034 3.1106 0.0037 3.1106 0.0040 3.1105 0.0044 3.1105 0.0049 3.1104 0.0053 3.1103 0.0059 3.1103 0.0064 3.1102 0.0071 3.1101 0.0077 3.1100 0.0085 3.1099 0.0093 3.1098 0.0102 3.1096 0.0112 3.1095 0.0123 3.1093 0.0135 3.1092 0.0148 3.1090 0.0163 3.1088 0.0179 3.1085 0.0196 3.1083 0.0215 3.1080 0.0236 3.1077 0.0260 3.1074 0.0285 3.1070 0.0313 3.1066 0.0343 3.1062 0.0376 3.1057 0.0413 3.1051 0.0453 3.1046 0.0498 3.1039 0.0546 3.1032 0.0599 3.1025 0.0658 3.1016 0.0722 3.1007 0.0792 3.0997 0.0870 3.0986 0.0955 3.0974 0.1048 3.0960 0.1150 3.0946 0.1262 3.0929 0.1385 3.0912 0.1520 3.0892 0.1668 3.0871 0.1831 3.0848 0.2009 3.0822 0.2205 3.0794 0.2420 3.0764 0.2656 3.0730 0.2915 3.0693 0.3199 3.0653 0.3511 3.0608 0.3854 3.0560 0.4229 3.0506 0.4642 3.0448 0.5094 3.0384 0.5591 3.0314 0.6136 3.0238 0.6734 3.0154 0.7391 3.0062 0.8111 2.9962 0.8902 2.9852 0.9770 2.9732 1.0723 2.9601 1.1768 2.9457 1.2915 2.9301 1.4175 2.9130 1.5557 2.8944 1.7074 2.8741 1.8738 2.8520 2.0565 2.8279 2.2570 2.8017 2.4771 2.7732 2.7186 2.7423 2.9836 2.7088 3.2745 2.6724 3.5938 2.6331 3.9442 2.5906 4.3288 2.5448 4.7508 2.4954 5.2140 2.4424 5.7224 2.3854 6.2803 2.3244 6.8926 2.2593 7.5646 2.1899 8.3022 2.1162 9.1116 2.0382 10.0000 1.9558
Generated Data Set 4
0.0010 3.6663 0.0011 3.6663 0.0012 3.6662 0.0013 3.6662 0.0015 3.6661 0.0016 3.6661 0.0017 3.6660 0.0019 3.6660 0.0021 3.6659 0.0023 3.6658 0.0025 3.6657 0.0028 3.6656 0.0031 3.6655 0.0034 3.6654 0.0037 3.6653 0.0040 3.6652 0.0044 3.6650 0.0049 3.6649 0.0053 3.6647 0.0059 3.6645 0.0064 3.6643 0.0071 3.6641 0.0077 3.6638 0.0085 3.6636 0.0093 3.6632 0.0102 3.6629 0.0112 3.6626 0.0123 3.6621 0.0135 3.6617 0.0148 3.6612 0.0163 3.6607 0.0179 3.6601 0.0196 3.6595 0.0215 3.6588 0.0236 3.6580 0.0260 3.6572 0.0285 3.6562 0.0313 3.6552 0.0343 3.6541 0.0376 3.6529 0.0413 3.6515 0.0453 3.6501 0.0498 3.6485 0.0546 3.6467 0.0599 3.6448 0.0658 3.6426 0.0722 3.6403 0.0792 3.6377 0.0870 3.6349 0.0955 3.6318 0.1048 3.6285 0.1150 3.6248 0.1262 3.6207 0.1385 3.6162 0.1520 3.6114 0.1668 3.6060 0.1831 3.6002 0.2009 3.5937 0.2205 3.5867 0.2420 3.5790 0.2656 3.5706 0.2915 3.5613 0.3199 3.5512 0.3511 3.5402 0.3854 3.5281 0.4229 3.5148 0.4642 3.5004 0.5094 3.4846 0.5591 3.4673 0.6136 3.4484 0.6734 3.4279 0.7391 3.4054 0.8111 3.3810 0.8902 3.3544 0.9770 3.3254 1.0723 3.2938 1.1768 3.2596 1.2915 3.2224 1.4175 3.1821 1.5557 3.1384 1.7074 3.0912 1.8738 3.0401 2.0565 2.9851 2.2570 2.9258 2.4771 2.8622 2.7186 2.7939 2.9836 2.7208 3.2745 2.6428 3.5938 2.5597 3.9442 2.4716 4.3288 2.3783 4.7508 2.2801 5.2140 2.1769 5.7224 2.0690 6.2803 1.9567 6.8926 1.8405 7.5646 1.7209 8.3022 1.5985 9.1116 1.4742 10.0000 1.3489
Generated Data Set 5
0.0010 4.2213 0.0011 4.2212 0.0012 4.2211 0.0013 4.2210 0.0015 4.2209 0.0016 4.2208 0.0017 4.2206 0.0019 4.2205 0.0021 4.2203 0.0023 4.2201 0.0025 4.2199 0.0028 4.2197 0.0031 4.2194 0.0034 4.2192 0.0037 4.2189 0.0040 4.2186 0.0044 4.2182 0.0049 4.2178 0.0053 4.2174 0.0059 4.2169 0.0064 4.2164 0.0071 4.2158 0.0077 4.2152 0.0085 4.2145 0.0093 4.2137 0.0102 4.2129 0.0112 4.2120 0.0123 4.2110 0.0135 4.2099 0.0148 4.2087 0.0163 4.2074 0.0179 4.2060 0.0196 4.2044 0.0215 4.2027 0.0236 4.2008 0.0260 4.1987 0.0285 4.1964 0.0313 4.1939 0.0343 4.1911 0.0376 4.1881 0.0413 4.1848 0.0453 4.1812 0.0498 4.1772 0.0546 4.1728 0.0599 4.1680 0.0658 4.1628 0.0722 4.1570 0.0792 4.1507 0.0870 4.1438 0.0955 4.1363 0.1048 4.1280 0.1150 4.1189 0.1262 4.1090 0.1385 4.0981 0.1520 4.0862 0.1668 4.0732 0.1831 4.0589 0.2009 4.0434 0.2205 4.0263 0.2420 4.0077 0.2656 3.9874 0.2915 3.9652 0.3199 3.9410 0.3511 3.9146 0.3854 3.8858 0.4229 3.8545 0.4642 3.8204 0.5094 3.7834 0.5591 3.7431 0.6136 3.6994 0.6734 3.6520 0.7391 3.6007 0.8111 3.5453 0.8902 3.4854 0.9770 3.4208 1.0723 3.3513 1.1768 3.2767 1.2915 3.1967 1.4175 3.1111 1.5557 3.0198 1.7074 2.9227 1.8738 2.8198 2.0565 2.7110 2.2570 2.5963 2.4771 2.4761 2.7186 2.3506 2.9836 2.2201 3.2745 2.0852 3.5938 1.9466 3.9442 1.8051 4.3288 1.6616 4.7508 1.5171 5.2140 1.3731 5.7224 1.2306 6.2803 1.0912 6.8926 0.9564 7.5646 0.8275 8.3022 0.7059 9.1116 0.5929 10.0000 0.4896
Generated Data Set 6
0.0010 4.7756 0.0011 4.7753 0.0012 4.7751 0.0013 4.7748 0.0015 4.7746 0.0016 4.7742 0.0017 4.7739 0.0019 4.7735 0.0021 4.7731 0.0023 4.7727 0.0025 4.7722 0.0028 4.7716 0.0031 4.7710 0.0034 4.7704 0.0037 4.7696 0.0040 4.7688 0.0044 4.7680 0.0049 4.7670 0.0053 4.7660 0.0059 4.7648 0.0064 4.7635 0.0071 4.7622 0.0077 4.7606 0.0085 4.7590 0.0093 4.7571 0.0102 4.7551 0.0112 4.7529 0.0123 4.7505 0.0135 4.7479 0.0148 4.7450 0.0163 4.7418 0.0179 4.7383 0.0196 4.7344 0.0215 4.7302 0.0236 4.7256 0.0260 4.7206 0.0285 4.7150 0.0313 4.7090 0.0343 4.7023 0.0376 4.6950 0.0413 4.6870 0.0453 4.6783 0.0498 4.6687 0.0546 4.6582 0.0599 4.6467 0.0658 4.6341 0.0722 4.6203 0.0792 4.6052 0.0870 4.5887 0.0955 4.5707 0.1048 4.5510 0.1150 4.5295 0.1262 4.5060 0.1385 4.4803 0.1520 4.4523 0.1668 4.4218 0.1831 4.3886 0.2009 4.3523 0.2205 4.3130 0.2420 4.2701 0.2656 4.2236 0.2915 4.1731 0.3199 4.1185 0.3511 4.0593 0.3854 3.9953 0.4229 3.9262 0.4642 3.8518 0.5094 3.7717 0.5591 3.6857 0.6136 3.5937 0.6734 3.4952 0.7391 3.3903 0.8111 3.2788 0.8902 3.1606 0.9770 3.0358 1.0723 2.9045 1.1768 2.7670 1.2915 2.6235 1.4175 2.4745 1.5557 2.3208 1.7074 2.1630 1.8738 2.0022 2.0565 1.8394 2.2570 1.6759 2.4771 1.5132 2.7186 1.3527 2.9836 1.1961 3.2745 1.0450 3.5938 0.9011 3.9442 0.7659 4.3288 0.6407 4.7508 0.5267 5.2140 0.4248 5.7224 0.3355 6.2803 0.2590 6.8926 0.1949 7.5646 0.1427 8.3022 0.1013 9.1116 0.0696 10.0000 0.0461
Generated Data Set 7
0.0010 5.3280 0.0011 5.3275 0.0012 5.3269 0.0013 5.3263 0.0015 5.3256 0.0016 5.3248 0.0017 5.3240 0.0019 5.3231 0.0021 5.3221 0.0023 5.3210 0.0025 5.3198 0.0028 5.3185 0.0031 5.3171 0.0034 5.3155 0.0037 5.3138 0.0040 5.3118 0.0044 5.3098 0.0049 5.3075 0.0053 5.3049 0.0059 5.3022 0.0064 5.2992 0.0071 5.2958 0.0077 5.2922 0.0085 5.2882 0.0093 5.2838 0.0102 5.2790 0.0112 5.2738 0.0123 5.2680 0.0135 5.2617 0.0148 5.2547 0.0163 5.2471 0.0179 5.2388 0.0196 5.2297 0.0215 5.2197 0.0236 5.2087 0.0260 5.1967 0.0285 5.1836 0.0313 5.1692 0.0343 5.1535 0.0376 5.1363 0.0413 5.1175 0.0453 5.0969 0.0498 5.0744 0.0546 5.0498 0.0599 5.0230 0.0658 4.9937 0.0722 4.9618 0.0792 4.9270 0.0870 4.8891 0.0955 4.8478 0.1048 4.8029 0.1150 4.7541 0.1262 4.7011 0.1385 4.6436 0.1520 4.5813 0.1668 4.5139 0.1831 4.4411 0.2009 4.3625 0.2205 4.2779 0.2420 4.1869 0.2656 4.0893 0.2915 3.9847 0.3199 3.8731 0.3511 3.7541 0.3854 3.6278 0.4229 3.4940 0.4642 3.3529 0.5094 3.2045 0.5591 3.0492 0.6136 2.8875 0.6734 2.7198 0.7391 2.5470 0.8111 2.3699 0.8902 2.1897 0.9770 2.0077 1.0723 1.8252 1.1768 1.6441 1.2915 1.4658 1.4175 1.2924 1.5557 1.1256 1.7074 0.9672 1.8738 0.8189 2.0565 0.6821 2.2570 0.5582 2.4771 0.4479 2.7186 0.3518 2.9836 0.2699 3.2745 0.2018 3.5938 0.1466 3.9442 0.1033 4.3288 0.0703 4.7508 0.0461 5.2140 0.0290 5.7224 0.0175 6.2803 0.0100 6.8926 0.0054 7.5646 0.0028 8.3022 0.0013 9.1116 0.0006 10.0000 0.0002
Generated Data Set 8
0.0010 5.8762 0.0011 5.8750 0.0012 5.8736 0.0013 5.8721 0.0015 5.8705 0.0016 5.8687 0.0017 5.8668 0.0019 5.8646 0.0021 5.8622 0.0023 5.8597 0.0025 5.8568 0.0028 5.8537 0.0031 5.8503 0.0034 5.8465 0.0037 5.8424 0.0040 5.8379 0.0044 5.8329 0.0049 5.8275 0.0053 5.8216 0.0059 5.8150 0.0064 5.8079 0.0071 5.8001 0.0077 5.7915 0.0085 5.7821 0.0093 5.7717 0.0102 5.7605 0.0112 5.7481 0.0123 5.7345 0.0135 5.7197 0.0148 5.7035 0.0163 5.6857 0.0179 5.6663 0.0196 5.6450 0.0215 5.6218 0.0236 5.5964 0.0260 5.5687 0.0285 5.5384 0.0313 5.5054 0.0343 5.4694 0.0376 5.4301 0.0413 5.3873 0.0453 5.3408 0.0498 5.2901 0.0546 5.2351 0.0599 5.1754 0.0658 5.1106 0.0722 5.0405 0.0792 4.9646 0.0870 4.8826 0.0955 4.7942 0.1048 4.6991 0.1150 4.5968 0.1262 4.4871 0.1385 4.3697 0.1520 4.2445 0.1668 4.1111 0.1831 3.9695 0.2009 3.8198 0.2205 3.6619 0.2420 3.4962 0.2656 3.3229 0.2915 3.1426 0.3199 2.9559 0.3511 2.7638 0.3854 2.5673 0.4229 2.3677 0.4642 2.1664 0.5094 1.9651 0.5591 1.7657 0.6136 1.5701 0.6734 1.3802 0.7391 1.1982 0.8111 1.0259 0.8902 0.8652 0.9770 0.7176 1.0723 0.5845 1.1768 0.4666 1.2915 0.3644 1.4175 0.2778 1.5557 0.2063 1.7074 0.1488 1.8738 0.1039 2.0565 0.0701 2.2570 0.0455 2.4771 0.0283 2.7186 0.0168 2.9836 0.0095 3.2745 0.0051 3.5938 0.0026 3.9442 0.0012 4.3288 0.0005 4.7508 0.0002 5.2140 0.0001 5.7224 0.0000 6.2803 0.0000 6.8926 0.0000 7.5646 0.0000 8.3022 0.0000 9.1116 0.0000 10.0000 0.0000
Generated Data Set 9
0.0010 6.4146 0.0011 6.4117 0.0012 6.4085 0.0013 6.4050 0.0015 6.4012 0.0016 6.3970 0.0017 6.3924 0.0019 6.3873 0.0021 6.3818 0.0023 6.3757 0.0025 6.3690 0.0028 6.3617 0.0031 6.3537 0.0034 6.3450 0.0037 6.3353 0.0040 6.3248 0.0044 6.3133 0.0049 6.3006 0.0053 6.2868 0.0059 6.2716 0.0064 6.2550 0.0071 6.2368 0.0077 6.2170 0.0085 6.1952 0.0093 6.1714 0.0102 6.1454 0.0112 6.1170 0.0123 6.0860 0.0135 6.0522 0.0148 6.0152 0.0163 5.9749 0.0179 5.9310 0.0196 5.8832 0.0215 5.8312 0.0236 5.7746 0.0260 5.7131 0.0285 5.6464 0.0313 5.5741 0.0343 5.4958 0.0376 5.4112 0.0413 5.3198 0.0453 5.2212 0.0498 5.1151 0.0546 5.0012 0.0599 4.8791 0.0658 4.7485 0.0722 4.6092 0.0792 4.4610 0.0870 4.3039 0.0955 4.1378 0.1048 3.9628 0.1150 3.7793 0.1262 3.5877 0.1385 3.3886 0.1520 3.1827 0.1668 2.9712 0.1831 2.7551 0.2009 2.5361 0.2205 2.3156 0.2420 2.0957 0.2656 1.8783 0.2915 1.6656 0.3199 1.4597 0.3511 1.2630 0.3854 1.0774 0.4229 0.9050 0.4642 0.7474 0.5094 0.6058 0.5591 0.4810 0.6136 0.3735 0.6734 0.2829 0.7391 0.2086 0.8111 0.1493 0.8902 0.1034 0.9770 0.0691 1.0723 0.0444 1.1768 0.0273 1.2915 0.0161 1.4175 0.0089 1.5557 0.0047 1.7074 0.0023 1.8738 0.0011 2.0565 0.0005 2.2570 0.0002 2.4771 0.0001 2.7186 0.0000 2.9836 0.0000 3.2745 0.0000 3.5938 0.0000 3.9442 0.0000 4.3288 0.0000 4.7508 0.0000 5.2140 0.0000 5.7224 0.0000 6.2803 0.0000 6.8926 0.0000 7.5646 0.0000 8.3022 0.0000 9.1116 0.0000 10.0000 0.0000
Generated Data Set 10
0.0010 6.9303 0.0011 6.9236 0.0012 6.9162 0.0013 6.9081 0.0015 6.8992 0.0016 6.8894 0.0017 6.8787 0.0019 6.8670 0.0021 6.8542 0.0023 6.8401 0.0025 6.8248 0.0028 6.8079 0.0031 6.7895 0.0034 6.7693 0.0037 6.7472 0.0040 6.7230 0.0044 6.6966 0.0049 6.6678 0.0053 6.6362 0.0059 6.6018 0.0064 6.5642 0.0071 6.5232 0.0077 6.4785 0.0085 6.4297 0.0093 6.3767 0.0102 6.3190 0.0112 6.2562 0.0123 6.1881 0.0135 6.1141 0.0148 6.0340 0.0163 5.9473 0.0179 5.8535 0.0196 5.7523 0.0215 5.6433 0.0236 5.5260 0.0260 5.4000 0.0285 5.2651 0.0313 5.1209 0.0343 4.9672 0.0376 4.8038 0.0413 4.6307 0.0453 4.4479 0.0498 4.2555 0.0546 4.0539 0.0599 3.8437 0.0658 3.6254 0.0722 3.4002 0.0792 3.1690 0.0870 2.9334 0.0955 2.6949 0.1048 2.4554 0.1150 2.2170 0.1262 1.9819 0.1385 1.7525 0.1520 1.5311 0.1668 1.3202 0.1831 1.1221 0.2009 0.9386 0.2205 0.7717 0.2420 0.6224 0.2656 0.4916 0.2915 0.3794 0.3199 0.2855 0.3511 0.2090 0.3854 0.1484 0.4229 0.1019 0.4642 0.0675 0.5094 0.0429 0.5591 0.0261 0.6136 0.0151 0.6734 0.0083 0.7391 0.0043 0.8111 0.0021 0.8902 0.0010 0.9770 0.0004 1.0723 0.0002 1.1768 0.0001 1.2915 0.0000 1.4175 0.0000 1.5557 0.0000 1.7074 0.0000 1.8738 0.0000 2.0565 0.0000 2.2570 0.0000 2.4771 0.0000 2.7186 0.0000 2.9836 0.0000 3.2745 0.0000 3.5938 0.0000 3.9442 0.0000 4.3288 0.0000 4.7508 0.0000 5.2140 0.0000 5.7224 0.0000 6.2803 0.0000 6.8926 0.0000 7.5646 0.0000 8.3022 0.0000 9.1116 0.0000 10.0000 0.0000
set(gca,'XScale', 'log', 'YScale', 'log')
ylim([1e-2 10]);
  4 comentarios
arian hoseini
arian hoseini el 17 de Nov. de 2023
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE el 20 de Nov. de 2023
my pleasure !

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