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Genetic Algorithm based on mppt for off-grid solar pv system write a code for me... i need help to integrate with the simulink parameters and reduce errors in code

25 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
function best_duty_cycle = testing1(~, I_pv )
% Prompt the user to enter the values of the input arguments
V_pv = 210
I_pv = 22
population_size = 2
max_generations = 60
% Initialize the population with random duty cycles
population = rand(population_size, 1);
% Initialize the best duty cycle
best_duty_cycle = population(1);
% Initialize the best fitness
best_fitness = fitness(best_duty_cycle, V_pv, I_pv);
% Loop through the generations
for generation = 1:max_generations
% Evaluate the fitness of the population
fitness_values = arrayfun(@(x) fitness(x, V_pv, I_pv), population);
% Select the individuals for reproduction
selected_indices = randsample(1:length(population), length(population), true, fitness_values);
% Perform crossover
for i = 1:2:length(population)
parent1 = population(selected_indices(i));
parent2 = population(selected_indices(i+1));
crossover_points = randi([1, length(parent1)], 1);
child1 = [parent1(1:crossover_points), parent2(crossover_points+1:end)];
child2 = [parent2(1:crossover_points), parent1(crossover_points+1:end)];
population([i, i+1]) = [child1, child2];
% Perform mutation
mutation_probabilities = rand(length(population), 1);
mutation_indices = find(mutation_probabilities < 0.01);
population(mutation_indices) = population(mutation_indices) + 0.1 * randn(length(mutation_indices), 1);
% Update the best duty cycle and fitness
current_best_index = find(fitness_values == max(fitness_values));
if fitness_values(current_best_index) > best_fitness
best_duty_cycle = population(current_best_index);
best_fitness = fitness_values(current_best_index);
function fitness = fitness(best_duty_cycle, V_pv, I_pv)
% Calculate the power
power = best_duty_cycle .* V_pv .* I_pv;
% Calculate the fitness
fitness = sum(power);

Respuestas (1)

Simar el 13 de Jun. de 2024
Editada: Simar el 13 de Jun. de 2024
Hi Mohammed,
As per my understanding you want to find the best duty cycle that maximizes power output of solar PV system and require assistance in integrating this code with Simulink parameters to minimize errors.Current implementation has few areas that need attention for integration with Simulink and for the GA to function correctly. Here is a revised version of code:
function best_duty_cycle = testing1(V_pv, I_pv)
% Initialization
population_size = 10; % Consider increasing for better results
max_generations = 60;
mutation_rate = 0.01; % Mutation probability
crossover_rate = 0.8; % Proportion of population to undergo crossover
% Initialize the population with random duty cycles
population = rand(population_size, 1);
% Evaluate initial population fitness
fitness_values = arrayfun(@(duty_cycle) calculate_fitness(duty_cycle, V_pv, I_pv), population);
% Find the best initial duty cycle and fitness
[best_fitness, best_idx] = max(fitness_values);
best_duty_cycle = population(best_idx);
% Genetic Algorithm Loop
for generation = 1:max_generations
% Selection - Roulette Wheel Selection
selected_indices = roulette_wheel_selection(fitness_values);
% Crossover
offspring = crossover(population(selected_indices), crossover_rate);
% Mutation
offspring = mutation(offspring, mutation_rate);
% Ensure duty cycles are within [0, 1]
offspring = min(max(offspring, 0), 1);
% Evaluate fitness of the new population
fitness_values = arrayfun(@(duty_cycle) calculate_fitness(duty_cycle, V_pv, I_pv), offspring);
% Update the best duty cycle and fitness
[current_best_fitness, current_best_idx] = max(fitness_values);
if current_best_fitness > best_fitness
best_fitness = current_best_fitness;
best_duty_cycle = offspring(current_best_idx);
% Update the population
population = offspring;
function fitness = calculate_fitness(duty_cycle, V_pv, I_pv)
% Power calculation as the fitness function
power = duty_cycle * V_pv * I_pv;
fitness = power; % Objective is to maximize power
function selected_indices = roulette_wheel_selection(fitness_values)
cumulative_sum = cumsum(fitness_values);
total_sum = sum(fitness_values);
selected_indices = arrayfun(@(x) find(rand * total_sum <= cumulative_sum, 1), 1:length(fitness_values));
function offspring = crossover(population, crossover_rate)
offspring = population;
for i = 1:2:length(population)-1
if rand <= crossover_rate
crossover_point = randi([1, length(population(i))]);
offspring(i) = population(i) * crossover_point + population(i+1) * (1 - crossover_point);
offspring(i+1) = population(i+1) * crossover_point + population(i) * (1 - crossover_point);
function mutated_population = mutation(population, mutation_rate)
mutations = rand(size(population)) < mutation_rate;
mutation_amount = 0.1 * randn(sum(mutations), 1); % Adjust mutation size
mutated_population = population;
mutated_population(mutations) = population(mutations) + mutation_amount;
Key Changes:
  • Increased Population Size: Larger population size can explore solution space more effectively.
  • Proper Mutation and Crossover Functions: These are crucial for the diversity and convergence of the GA.
  • Roulette Wheel Selection: Implements a selection mechanism based on fitness proportionate selection.
  • Fitness Function: Represents the power output, which the MPPT aims to maximize.
  • Mutation Rate and Crossover Rate: Controls the extent of mutation and crossover in the population.
  • Bounds Checking: Ensures duty cycle values remain within valid bounds after mutation.
Integrating with Simulink:
This approach should reduce errors and improve integration with Simulink for off-grid solar PV system's MPPT.
Hope it helps!
Best Regards,


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