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About fx awgn()

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Juan Beltran
Juan Beltran el 13 de Dic. de 2011
I use awgn((x,snr,'measured') function in order to obtain a output with somelevel of noise, but I want to know how Matlab is measuring the power of x. Does anybody knows how?

Respuestas (2)

Wayne King
Wayne King el 13 de Dic. de 2011
Hi, if you use 'measured', the signal power is
sigpower = norm(sig,2)^2/length(sig);
The L2 norm squared divided by the length of the signal.
If you are then using the POWERTYPE 'db', the power is
Hope that helps

J. M. Wincn
J. M. Wincn el 5 de Ag. de 2012
The above answer is nice, concise, but incomplete, and anyone who would attempt to use it should do so with caution. The OP did not precisely specify what he was attempting to do, whether the target result was meant to represent Eb/N0 or Es/N0, Binary or M-ary coding, and whether he intended to simulate one sample per bit time or N samples per bit time. Depending on presumed conditions, you could get dramatically different results with the same calculation method.


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