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Constant Power Diode Rectifier Load

4 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Nick el 20 de En. de 2016
Respondida: Joel Van Sickel el 2 de Mayo de 2023
I am trying to simulate a Diode rectifier and understand the behavior under constant loading. I looked at some responses on a similar question and tried simulating a constant load based on P/Vdc and feeding it to controlled current source. This doesn't seem to work. When I measure the real power consumed on the AC side the constant load doesn't seem to have any impact. Any better way to do this or is there something I am missing?
I would really appreciate any pointers/help. Thanks!

Respuestas (1)

Joel Van Sickel
Joel Van Sickel el 2 de Mayo de 2023
This is part of an effort to clean up Matlab answers. I apologize that this answer is too late to be useful to the asker:
In general, adding a constant power load to the dc side will make a different on the source side. Some of the modelling techniques you used look like they might have created an algebraic loop. This would be easier to implement using Simscape instead of specialized power systems. Also, the resistor values could play a role in how accurate the model is. In general, for help with this type of problem, please provide the actual file instead of a picutre, as the issue can be related to small details that aren't visible in a picture.

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