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detect nth character in a string

31 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Rusmaya Luthfina
Rusmaya Luthfina el 22 de En. de 2012
hello all masters,
i have a variable string for example a = 'c13Maya'
how do i detect the 2nd and 3rd characters of the string ?? the result will give 13 as answer..
any suggestion will be appreciated
thank u,

Respuesta aceptada

Dr. Seis
Dr. Seis el 22 de En. de 2012
If you want the result to also be a string, then:
b = a(2:3);
If you want the result to be a number, then:
b = str2double(a(2:3));
  4 comentarios
Rusmaya Luthfina
Rusmaya Luthfina el 22 de En. de 2012
it's just fine with string result.. but anyway, thank u for the information u give me Mr. Roberson, it's very useful.. :D
Dr. Seis
Dr. Seis el 22 de En. de 2012
edit made

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