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Legend and for loops

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Elduderino el 17 de Feb. de 2016
Editada: Elduderino el 17 de Feb. de 2016
Hey, I am trying to evaluate some data and show it in a graph consisting of 3 sets each containg Mean values, x-errorbars and a fit function (See picture). But I am only able to get a part of the legend showing the right color for the last itteration or I get the whole legend but the color of my 'mean values' is set to that of the last itteration (symbol is ok). I tried numerus approaches but nothing seems to work. My latest try is this code ():
for (3 times itteration)...... other stuff goin on.....
[h,hh]= errorbar_x_one(eval_complete(2,:),eval_complete(1,:),eval_complete(3,:)); %errorbar_x_one outputs handle of errorbar and handle of scatter
y_loudness_function = loudness_function(x_achse,eval_line_point);%loudness function fit
hhh = plot(x_achse,y_loudness_function,[col_sym.col{} ':']);
grid on =;
h.DisplayName = 'Errorbar';
hh.DisplayName = ['Mean ' condition{}] ;
hhh.DisplayName = 'fit';
legend([h hh hhh],'Location','NW')
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Respuestas (1)

Mike Garrity
Mike Garrity el 17 de Feb. de 2016
You're saying you call
legend([h hh hhh], ...)
each time around the loop? That means that each time you're telling legend to forget about the items from the previous iteration and focus on these 3 new objects.
You'll want to move legend out of the loop. You could do something like this:
g = gobjects(1,9);
for i=1:3
[h, hh] = errorbar_x_one( ...
hhh = plot( ...
g(end+1) = h;
g(end+1) = hh;
g(end+1) = hhh;
But if you're really putting everything into the legend, then you don't need to give it the handles. So you may be able to do something as simple as this:
for i=1:3
[h, hh] = errorbar_x_one( ...
hhh = plot( ...
legend show
  3 comentarios
Mike Garrity
Mike Garrity el 17 de Feb. de 2016
Elduderino el 17 de Feb. de 2016
Editada: Elduderino el 17 de Feb. de 2016
thanks for that info! I was thinking it might be the fact that the handle of the scatter plot has no color field. But this feature seems to be what I am experiencing.
Btw. do I understand this correct that the workaround's idea is to define a color pattern in advance and then pass that info in the legend?
edit: I used line plot instead...

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