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I have a problem with transforming date vector from excel in matlab

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Lidiya P
Lidiya P el 3 de Jul. de 2017
Editada: per isakson el 7 de Oct. de 2017
I have the following code:
dn= datenum(DatumUhrzeit , '' HH:MM:SS')
Now, I have the problem , that the excel sheets sometimes have issues like that:
03.06.2017 11:00
03.06.2017 12:00
what I mean: sometimes the time is missing. In that case, the code above obviosly does not work for that line. I could solve that problem by editing my excel sheet but is there a way to do that in matlab?

Respuestas (1)

Guillaume el 3 de Jul. de 2017
Editada: Guillaume el 3 de Jul. de 2017
One possible workaround:
DatumUhrzeit = regexprep(DatumUhrzeit, '\d+\.\d+\.\d+\s*$', '$0 00:00');
dn = datenum(DatumUhrzeit , ' HH:MM')
Note that your original input format (with :SS) does not match your example (no seconds).
You should be using datetime instead of datenum if you've got any reasonably recent version of matlab. datetime is a lot more practical for date calculations.
The regular expression looks for numbers.numbers.numbers followed by optional blanks and the end of the string (so no time) and add to that a time of 00:00.
  2 comentarios
Lidiya P
Lidiya P el 3 de Jul. de 2017
sorry, that was my mistake. Actually I do have seconds in my excel sheet, that#s definitely not the problem because it works if I edit my excel sheet first.
I've tried your code and it does work, thank you, can you tell me what excactly ist does?
Guillaume el 3 de Jul. de 2017
As I more or less explained, it uses a regular expression to find the strings that do not have time and add a time of 00:00 to these. If you have seconds, the replacement string is '$0 00:00:00', so
DatumUhrzeit = regexprep(DatumUhrzeit, '\d+\.\d+\.\d+\s*$', '$0 00:00:00');

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