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how to print letters and variable in edittext at the same time? PLEASE

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
I want that in the edittext print the text y = x where "x" was previously calculated and in this case to put an example is "2x" I want edidtext to print "y = 2x" because my program looks for the equation of a line, good the equation of the tangent line to a point on a curve How can I print variables and letters in edidtext at the same time?
syms x z f=get(handles.edit1,'string'); fs=sym(f); df=diff(fs); e=str2double(get(handles.edit10,'string')); y1=str2double(get(handles.edit11,'string')); m=subs(df,x,e); y=char(m*x-m*e+y1); set(handles.edit12,'string','y=y'dd');

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