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Getting CompiledPortDataTypes from within a PostCodeGenCommand

9 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Traz Daczkowski
Traz Daczkowski el 18 de Dic. de 2017
Respondida: Matthew Rademacher el 30 de Mayo de 2023
I'm tying to get a list of the compiled port data-types from within a function being called by PostCodeGenCommand. get_param(outportlist,'CompiledPortDataTypes')is returning empty cell arrays as though the model were not compiled. If I put the command Model([],[],[],'compile'); into the script I get an error about a recursive function call.
Is there a handle to the compiled model that I should be passing to my PostCodeGenCommand?

Respuestas (1)

Matthew Rademacher
Matthew Rademacher el 30 de Mayo de 2023
in my opinion this is very unsatisfying but it technically works:
for some reason you can only get the data types if you are paused in a simulation? seems weird.


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