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Why while using sound function in matlab sound has noise in it?

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
I have modulated and demodulated a sound file and i have bit error rate of zero. Then why output sound is distorted?
clear; clc;
  3 comentarios
Mubasher el 16 de Mayo de 2012
it gives this error
??? Error using ==> sound at 55
Audio data must be real and double-precision.

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 15 de Mayo de 2012
Possibly the original data was more than 8 bit. What does class(data) show ?
Also, you did not force de2bi() to use 8 bit output per sample.
Is fsk_demod definitely an array and not a vector?
  5 comentarios
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 16 de Mayo de 2012
I'm not sure why you say there should be a click? There is nothing special about 0 -- it doesn't mean "turn off the speaker" for example.
Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub el 16 de Mayo de 2012
The soundcard will attempt to produce one voltage for every sample with a value of 0 and another for voltage (its maximum voltage) for every sample with a value greater than 1. I am assuming the number of samples with a value of 0 is small. Periods where the soundcard output is pinned to the maximum will be perceived as silence. The transition from the maximum voltage to the voltage corresponding to the 0-valued samples will be perceived as a click.
maximum voltage with brief periods of significantly smaller voltages. The transition gion

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