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User defined wavelet for continuous time analysis

6 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Catherine Davey
Catherine Davey el 21 de Nov. de 2018
Comentada: Catherine Davey el 11 de Mayo de 2020
Hi. I have generated my own user defined wavelet, which I've added using wavemngr. How can I then use this wavelet in a continuous time analysis of my signal? The new cwt will only allow a subset of predefined wavelets. The new cwt function is apparently supposed to run the old cwt if you use the old syntax but I can't get that to work at all. In which case how do you run a continuous time analysis if your mother wavelet is user defined? I feel like I'm missing something here because it seems too obvious a gap!
Thanks for your help,

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Catherine Davey
Catherine Davey el 22 de Nov. de 2018
Ok, I finally got it to work, which I'll include here in case other people are having problems. I think there's a few different ways to trigger the use of the old cwt, but one way is to have the first input a cell array stipulating the signal time (either lower & upper bounds, or a vector) and the signal itself;
>> sig = {voltage, time}; % my example has extracellular recording of neuron voltage
I put my wavelet values in to 'wav', rather than calling on the wavemngr using its shortname, and put my required scales into a positive vector called 'scales'. There may be other ways to do it, but I got it to work by then calling:
>> coeff = cwt({voltage, time}, scales, wav);
  3 comentarios
César Alcaide León
César Alcaide León el 10 de Mayo de 2020
I am also intereseted in that code
Please, should you send me to
It is for my PhD thesis, thanks
Catherine Davey
Catherine Davey el 11 de Mayo de 2020
Hey. I'm really sorry Atiqur Rahman, I didn't notice your request for the code. I have many PhD students and know how much they would appreciate this sort of support. So I'm sorry about that.
César - I'm not sure that my code will help that much, but I've copied a snippet here. Happy to email you more - the code was written for a GUI so there's a lot of it! I've just added the important bits here.
To run it:
% make mother wavelets for each template
APwavs = generateNewSETWavelets( rescaleAPs, 'continuous', 'polynomial', 'aicc', true, true );
addSETUserMotherWavelet( APwavs );
wav = APwavs{1}.mother;
% get centre freq of wavelet - seems to be determined by the freq of the
% best fit sin wave, & the sampling resolution
% fc = num sin waves that fit mother wavelet / ( time(end) - time(1) )
fcentre = centfrq('ap1',2,'plot'); % centre freq of wavelet
% scal2freq returns the pseudo-frequencies corresponding to the scales
% and wavelet, where fscale = fcentre / (scales * dt)
% - therefore: scale = fcentre / (fscales * dt)
% - we're interested in freqs less than 1000
scales = round( fcentre ./ ((1000:-100:100) * dt ), 'plot' );
fscales = scal2frq(scales, 'ap1', dt);
fscales = fcentre ./ (scales * dt);
coeff = cwt({voltage, time}, scales, wav);
% % addSETUserMotherWavelet( APwavs )
% Generate user mother wavelets to fit AP templates using
% generateNewSETWavelets, and add them to the wavelet toolbox here
function addSETUserMotherWavelet( APwavs )
% APwavs has the following fields for each AP template
% APwavs{ti}.mother
% APwavs{ti}.pred
% APwavs{ti}.degree
numwav = length( APwavs );
for wi=1:numwav
wav = APwavs{wi}.mother;
deg = APwavs{wi}.degree;
time = APwavs{wi}.time;
% wavelet has to be even else it's zero padded
if ~iseven( length(wav) )
% repeat last value rather than adding 0 just in case it causes a
% big jump
wav = [wav(:); wav(end)];
% longname can be whatevs I think
longname = ['APwave' num2str(wi)];
% shortname must be 4 characters or less
shortname = ['ap' num2str(wi)];
fname = [shortname '.mat'];
% need lower & upper bound of time vector
lb = length(wav)/2 - length(wav) + 1;
ub = length(wav)/2;
% must create a wavelet .mat file with the same name as the wavelet's
% shortname, and a variable in the file named the same as shortname
% - for multiple wavelets in the family it's a bit different i think
eval( [shortname '= wav;'] );
% time = ( lb : ub )';
eval( ['X= time;'] );
eval( ['Y= wav;'] );
save( fname, shortname );
save( fname, 'X', 'Y' );
out = wavemngr('read'); % get list of current wavelets
% if wavelet already exists gotta delete before adding new one
% - compare with shortname + space so we don't mistake ap10 for ap1,
% for example
if contains( toVec(out')', [shortname ' '] )
wavemngr('del', shortname);
wavemngr('add', longname, shortname, 4, '', fname, [lb ub]);
% List wavelets families.
% % [APwavs, APpred] = generateNewSETWavelets( APtemplates, [regularity], [fitmethod], [goftest], [zeromean], [doplot] );
% Construct mother wavelets from AP templates so we can later do continuous
% time wavelet analysis. Note that all wavelets are required to integrate
% to zero so a zero meaned version of the AP templates may fit better.
% Inputs:
% APtemplates - matrix of time x template
% regularity - ensure mother wavelets are 'differentiable' or 'continuous'
% fitmethod - fit using 'polynomial' or 'orthconst'
% goftest - evaluate gof of mother wavelet to AP template using
% 'aic', 'aicc', 'bic', 'fpe', 'hqc', 'mse' (no param penalty)
% zeromean - mother wavelets seem to fit better if AP is zero meaned,
% but I'm not sure how this will later impact its use
% doplot - plot best fit user defined wavelet based on goftest for each AP template
% Outputs:
% APwavs{i}.mother - cell array of best fit mother wavelet for each template
% APwavs{i}.pred - cell array of prediction of mother wavelet for each template
% APwavs{i}.degree - degree of polynomial or orthogonal constants
% See also: pat2cwav calcGOF
function APwavs = generateNewSETWavelets( APtemplates, varargin )
if nargin==0, help generateNewSETWavelets; return; end
regularity = 'differentiable'; % 'continuous'; %
fitmethod = 'polynomial'; % 'orthconst'; %
goftest = 'mse'; % 'aic'; % 'aicc'; % 'bic'; % 'hqc'; % 'fpe'; % 'mse'; %
zeromean = true;
doplot = true;
optargs = {regularity, fitmethod, goftest, zeromean, doplot};
narg = length( varargin );
optargs(1:narg) = varargin;
[regularity, fitmethod, goftest, zeromean, doplot] = optargs{:};
[nS, nT] = size( );
t = linspace(0, 1, nS);
% APtemplates: struct with fields:
% type: 'ap'
% data: [28×8 single]
% time: [28×1 double]
% dt: 2.0000e-04
% params: [1×1 struct]
% APfamily: {1×8 cell}
% name: 'Voltage_APs'
APwavs = cell(0);
if ~any( strcmpi( regularity, {'differentiable', 'continuous'} ) )
str = sprintf('\tgenerateNewSETWavelets: unknown regularity (set to differentiable or continuous)\n');
cprintf( 'Errors*', str );
if ~any( strcmpi( goftest, {'aic', 'bic', 'aicc', 'fpe', 'hqc', 'mse'} ) )
str = sprintf('\tgenerateNewSETWavelets: unknown gof fit (set to aic, aicc, bic, fpe, hqc or mse)\n');
cprintf( 'Errors*', str );
if ~any( strcmpi( fitmethod, {'polynomial', 'orthconst', 'discpoly', 'lagrange', 'cos'} ) )
str = sprintf('\tgenerateNewSETWavelets: unknown fit method (set to polynomial or orthconst)\n');
cprintf( 'Errors*', str );
maxpoly = floor( nS / 2 );
minpoly = ternaryOp( strcmpi( regularity, 'continuous' ), 3, 5 );
npoly = maxpoly - minpoly + 1;
APwavs = cell(nT, 1); APpred = cell(nT, 1);
malloc = @(ndim) zeros([ndim nT]); % dims x num_templates
mse = malloc(npoly);
gof = malloc(npoly);
wav = malloc([nS npoly]);
pred = malloc([nS npoly]);
for ti=1:nT
y =,ti);
if zeromean
y = y - mean(y);
for pp=1:npoly
polydeg = minpoly + pp - 1;
[Y,~,nc] = pat2cwav(y(:)', fitmethod, polydeg, regularity) ;
wav(:,pp,ti) = Y(:);
pred(:,pp,ti) = Y(:)*nc;
% calc mse & gof to see which polynomial degree we should use
mse(pp,ti) = sum((y(:)-Y(:)*nc).^2);
% AP template built from avging so make length a little longer
gof(pp,ti) = calcGOF( goftest, mse(pp,ti), polydeg, length(y)*4, false );
% I'm finding that gof is too influence by number of samples coz
% there's so few (about 28), so perhaps use mse instead?
[~, best] = min( gof(:,ti) );
APwavs{ti}.mother = wav( :,best,ti);
APwavs{ti}.pred = pred(:,best,ti);
APwavs{ti}.degree = best + minpoly - 1;
APwavs{ti}.time = APtemplates.time; % shouldn't copy for each but easiest for now
if doplot
nr = ceil(sqrt(nT)); nc = ceil(nT/nr);
for ti=1:nT
y =,ti);
if zeromean
y = y - mean(y);
hold on;
plot(t, APwavs{ti}.pred);
plot(t, y, 'k-', 'linewidth', 2);
str = sprintf('AP %d (deg %d)', ti, APwavs{ti}.degree);
title( str );
% save('mother.mat', 'Y', 'X');

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