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i confuse using syms variable

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
shahin hashemi
shahin hashemi el 15 de En. de 2019
Respondida: Steven Lord el 15 de En. de 2019
dear all
i run the following code :
clear all
N=6; % number of disks
L=0.08; % the length of each segment
x = sym('x', [1 3*N], 'real');
for i=1:N
calf(i)=cos(alf(i)); salf(i)=sin(alf(i));
cbet(i)=cos(bet(i)); sbet(i)=sin(bet(i));
cgam(i)=cos(gam(i)); sgam(i)=sin(gam(i));
ctet(i)=cos(tet(i)); stet(i)=sin(tet(i)); vtet(i)=1-cos(tet(i));
plcl(:,1)=zeros(3,1); % rows for xyz position, cols for disk, 3rd dim for time
for i=1:N
plcl(:,i+1)= L*[(bet(i)*vtet(i))/(tet(i)^2);-(alf(i)*vtet(i))/(tet(i)^2 );(stet(i))/tet(i)];
and i got this error :
The following error occurred converting from sym to double:
DOUBLE cannot convert the input expression into a double array.
If the input expression contains a symbolic variable, use VPA.
Error in ENERJYplus1 (line 36)
i really appreciated if someone help me that y i got this error and what s the solotion ?
and i should mention that i need to use diff for R at my next step
and i think i could use this code in past ver of matlab

Respuesta aceptada

Steven Lord
Steven Lord el 15 de En. de 2019
The symbolic expression on the right side of the equals sign:
still contains a symbolic variable. When you try assigning into the double array plcl (which is double because it was preallocated using zeros) MATLAB can't evaluate the symbolic expression to get a number. It's as though I asked you the numeric value of sin(z) without telling you what z is. Is it -1, 1, or something inbetween?
Your two main choices:
  1. Substitute values into the symbolic expression using subs so the result is a number, containing no symbolic variables.
  2. Preallocate plcl to be a symbolic array using sym(zeros(3, 1)).

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