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How to delete the duplicate number or using unique in the cell?

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Let's see if I have A:
A={[3];[6 8 3];[5];[10 5]}
I am trying to delete the duplicate numbers and found that 'unique' can return the array without the duplication.
Is there any way that I can use unique or delete the duplicate to my cell structure? result like this for example:
A={[3];[6 8];[5];[10]}

Respuesta aceptada

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov el 14 de Mayo de 2019
A={[3];[6 8 3];[5];[10 5]};
k = repelem((1:numel(A))',cellfun(@numel,A));
B = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x)x(:),A,'un',0));
[a,b] = unique(B,'stable');
out = accumarray(k(b),a,[],@(x){x(:)'});
  2 comentarios
Hang Vu
Hang Vu el 14 de Mayo de 2019
Thank you! it's perfect.^^
Hang Vu
Hang Vu el 14 de Mayo de 2019
It has a problem:
A={[3];[6 8];[5 10];[10]};
k = repelem((1:numel(A))',cellfun(@numel,A));
B = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x)x(:),A,'un',0));
[a,b] = unique(B,'stable');
A= accumarray(k(b),a,[],@(x){x(:)'})
it may return 3x1 cell array in this case.
A =
3×1 cell array
{[ 3]}
{1×2 double}
{1×2 double}
ans =
ans =
6 8
ans =
5 10
Could you please help to return the last cell with [] , mean A still has 4x1 cell array
A={[3];[6 8];[5 10];[]}

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