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Converting symbolic exponential function into linear form

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Hi, below I have a code to solve symbolically differential equation.
My question is simple:
How to present the solution in linear form instead of exponential form. So basically what is the code to logarithm symbolically function on both sides of the solved equation?
syms A(t) k A0
R = -diff(A) == k*A;
cond = A(0) == A0;
A(t) = dsolve(R,cond)

Respuesta aceptada

Jyotsna Talluri
Jyotsna Talluri el 25 de Ag. de 2019
Use 'simplify' function on applying log on both sides of equation
z= log(A(t));
logA = simplify(z , 'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints', true);

Más respuestas (1)

chemeng100 el 25 de Ag. de 2019
Thank you for answer! It worked perfectly.

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