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How to overlay two surf plots?

14 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
LEONG SING YEW el 14 de Mzo. de 2020
Comentada: LEONG SING YEW el 22 de Mzo. de 2020
Hi everyone,
I am trying to overlay the contour stroke shape into the colorful surf plot
Here the code i've tried but it doesnt work, it only show the left image above
hold on
surf(X,Y,-M1); surf(-X,Y,M1); %Reflection along y axis
surf(X,Y,Ta); surf(-X,Y,Ta); %Stroke Contour
  4 comentarios
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 15 de Mzo. de 2020
It would help if we had your data to work with -- X, Y, and M1 and Ta
LEONG SING YEW el 15 de Mzo. de 2020
Yes you may have my code and my data in the csv attachment,
The picture shown is what i'm trying to do: to overlay the black stroke of the flame front on the colorful surf plot
colormap jet
Read data
filename0 = '0.csv';
Data0 = csvread(filename0,6,0);
filename1 = '360.csv';
Data1 = csvread(filename1,6,0);%skip 6 header lines
Data Extraction
X_Data = Data0(:,2); Y_Data = Data0(:,1); %x and y coordinates
%Extract both temperature and x-velocity data
T_Data0 = Data0(:,8); V_Data0 = Data0(:,9);
T_Data1 = Data1(:,8); V_Data1 = Data1(:,9);
V_Data1 = V_Data1-V_Data0; %Fluctuation velocity, v'
V_Data1(T_Data1>400)=0; %Temperature outside the flame front is not considered
T_1=V_Data1-1; %Create flame front stroke by darken it using caxis later, or any alternative method
T_1(T_Data1>500)=NaN; T_1(T_Data1<325)=NaN; %Only circumference of flame front is needed
[x,~,xi]=unique(X_Data*1e3/2); %convert m to mm
subs=[xi yi];%use the indices instead of values as coordinates
[X,Y]=ndgrid(x,y);%generate the grid surf() expects
Ta =accumarray(subs,T_1,[],[],NaN);
M1=accumarray(subs,V_Data1,[],[],NaN);%fill missing with NaN
hold on
surf(-X,Y,M1); surf(X,Y,-M1); %Reflection along y-axis
surf(-X,Y,Ta); surf(X,Y,Ta); %Stroke Contour
shading interp; c=colorbar;
xlim([-2 2]); ylim([-0.5 3.4]);
xlabel("x/R (mm)"+newline);ylabel("y/R (mm)"+newline)
title('Phase = 0\circ')
caxis([-.1 .1]) %Set the range

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 16 de Mzo. de 2020
  4 comentarios
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 22 de Mzo. de 2020
plot() creates a 3D plot with empty Z components, and that in turn is treated the same as if the Z components were all 0. You can use plot3() to provide explicit Z coordinates; you would want to use a Z larger than the largest Z in the surf plot.
I wonder if pcolor() would be better than surf() for your purpose? pcolor is a surface plot underneath, but it creates a surface in which all the Z are 0 and the color data is set according to the Z data that was passed to pcolor(). Using Z all 0 can make it easier to draw things on top of it.
LEONG SING YEW el 22 de Mzo. de 2020
omg, i didn't know this command "pcolor" exist, amazing!!! Thank you so much!!!

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