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SIM command clears workspace

4 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Superfish el 1 de Nov. de 2012
Comentada: Mohammad el 2 de Oct. de 2017
I'm trying to run a simulink simulation from an M-file. The problem is that running 'sim' clears the current workspace, and thus clears variables needed in the simulink simulation and also nested for loop variables.
I've tried
simset('SrcWorkspace','current', 'DstWorkspace', 'current');
As a 'SIM' options parameter as suggested in previous posts with similar titles, however, this does absolutely nothing.
How do I stop 'SIM' clearing my workspace? Running MATLAB R2011b.
  10 comentarios
Jan el 1 de Oct. de 2017
What do you think about the suggestion to open a new thread? Then it is possible to post an answer in the section for answers and you can accept an answer, if it solves your problem.
Mohammad el 2 de Oct. de 2017
I did open a new thread. But neither you nor anybody else answered me.

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Respuestas (1)

Ryan G
Ryan G el 2 de Nov. de 2012
This SIM command should not clear your workspace, you should not have to workaround that.
Check your model callbacks and see if there is any functions/scripts being called that clear the workspace.


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