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How to store objects from different classes in one array and call the same function (definitions are different)?

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Hello Everybody,
I have two subclasses:
  • Line
  • Arc
Their objects will be creating a path by appending them on their end. These have their own "plotCurve" methods. I want to store these objects in an arrayi in order such like:
path = [line1,line2,arc1,line3,arc2,arc3,line4,arc4,arc5...];
(I think "path" should be the object of superclass "Path")
when I code something like;
for i=1:size(path)
hold on
the result should be show. I should be able to see the whole path. (So, when the object of "Line" comes "plotCurve" method should be run and same for Arc objects).
Thanks in advance,

Respuestas (1)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord el 30 de Jul. de 2020
See this documentation page for how to implement your classes so you can create a heterogeneous array.
By the way, I recommend you avoid using path as a variable name. It already has a meaning in MATLAB.


Más información sobre Construct and Work with Object Arrays en Help Center y File Exchange.

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