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Equivalent code in Python when appending arrays

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Anh Phan Viet
Anh Phan Viet el 15 de Sept. de 2020
Editada: Anh Phan Viet el 15 de Sept. de 2020
Hello everyone,
I've got a problem when trying to translate this code in MATLAB to Python. The problem happened when I tried to append items to list.
dict{1} = [ 24 13; 8 21 ];
dict{2} = [ 2 17; 13 21 ];
dict{3} = [ 17 1; 21 12; 22 15; 21 24; 18 29 ];
dict{4} = [ 24 3; 22 23; 11 25 ];
dict{5} = [ 3 12; 26 18 ];
result = cell(size(dict));
dk = zeros(0,2); rk = {};
for k=1:length(result) % working down, construct sequentially
rp = rk; dp = dk; dk = dict{k}; % bookkeeping and update
rk = num2cell(dk,2); % split rows as cell
[b,loc] = ismember(dk(:,1),dp(:,2)); % check for matching
p = rp(loc(b)); % build the path using for-loop instead of ARRAYFUN
n = dk(b,2);
for j=1:length(p)
p{j} = [p{j} n(j)];
rk(b) = p;
result{k} = rk; % assign
In Python:
list = {}
list[0] = np.array([[24, 13], [8, 21]])
list[1] = np.array([[2, 17], [13, 21]])
list[2] = np.array([[17, 1], [21, 12], [22, 15], [21, 24], [18, 29]])
list[3] = np.array([[24, 3], [22, 23], [11, 25]])
list[4] = np.array([[3, 12], [26, 18]])
dk = np.zeros((0,2))
rk = {}
result = {}
for k in range(len(list)):
rp = rk
dp = dk
dk = list[k]
rk = num2cell(dk)
[b, loc] = ismember(dk[...,0], dp[...,1])
if k > 0:
p = rp_array[loc]
n = dk[b, 1]
p = np.column_stack((p, n))
rk[b] = p
result[k] = rk
The error is: shape mismatch: value array of shape (1,3) could not be broadcast to indexing result of shape (1,2), which is rk[b] = p. So can anyone please help me find the equivalent code to this?

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