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CT image processing- want to extract line profiles and compare sinograms

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Hi all I am a student and want to improve the image quality of CT using matlab. For which I need to measure HU values by extracting line profiles, comparing sinograms. Please help me to read a sequence of images form a dicom file (like Cine mode)and work on them the above said parameters. this would be the best start up for my project.

Respuestas (1)

Soha el 3 de Ag. de 2011
Hi Kavitha, did you manage the find a code that resolves this? I'm looking for a similar code - (working with lung CTs and would like to improve and measure the HU values).
  1 comentario
Kavitha Srinivasan
Kavitha Srinivasan el 27 de Oct. de 2011
Hi Soha
I am working on it an dhopefully should get it soon.
Just like to know whether u r doing any kind of image quality checks. if so pls let me know.

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