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How do I write a sparse matrix in MATLAB

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Shlesha Van
Shlesha Van el 15 de Dic. de 2020
Comentada: Jan el 16 de Dic. de 2020
  2 comentarios
Shlesha Van
Shlesha Van el 15 de Dic. de 2020
That gives solutions on how to convert a full matrix into sparse. My case is opposite. I want to convert a sparse into full

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Respuestas (2)

Daniel Pollard
Daniel Pollard el 15 de Dic. de 2020
Editada: Daniel Pollard el 15 de Dic. de 2020
  4 comentarios
Shlesha Van
Shlesha Van el 15 de Dic. de 2020
Jan el 16 de Dic. de 2020
The first two inputs of sparse() are the size of the matrix. As the error message tells you, [2,-1,0] cannot be a valid size. See the documentation of sparse :
doc sparse

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Jan el 15 de Dic. de 2020
You want to convert a sparse matrix into a full one? Then use the command: full().


Más información sobre Sparse Matrices en Help Center y File Exchange.

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