Coder: Prevent code optimization replacing a variable with its constant value

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I'm using Matlab coder to code generate. Example:
N = 31;
for 1:N
%calculating things
So my variable N has a constant value, but is used everywhere in my code to define lengths, loops etc. Now when I code generate the variable N is substituted for the value 31 everywhere in the generated C code. I want to prevent this as N, even though defined as a constant in the code, we do change often and I would like to be able to just open up the c file and change the value there and not having to code generate all over again. It can neither be an input. Is there a way to tell Matlab Coder to keep the variable N and not optimize it away?
Best Regards MC

Respuestas (1)

Owen Claxton
Owen Claxton el 21 de Sept. de 2021
Hi Michel C,
After an indepth dive into the documentation, I stumbled upon this link:
Hopefully this works for your C code, however note that I am working on the problem in the context of ROS and C++.
By defining a global variable T in my code, like this:
function test
global T;
A = uint8(2);
out1 = test_helper(A);
fprintf('\tA: %u\n', out1);
function output = test_helper(input)
if input > 3
output = uint8(2) + T;
output = uint8(1) + T;
and editting my codegen line to:
%% Some extra junk relating to what I'm working on. Hopefully it works
%% without, but just in case:
cfg = coder.config('exe');
cfg.Hardware = coder.hardware('Robot Operating System (ROS)');
cfg.HardwareImplementation.ProdHWDeviceType = 'ARM Compatible->ARM Cortex';
cfg.GenCodeOnly = true;
cfg.Hardware.BuildAction = 'None';
cfg.PreserveVariableNames = 'UserNames';
cfg.Verbosity = 'Verbose';
% Codegen:
globals_def = {'T', 1};
codegen -globals globals_def test -args {} -config cfg
MATLAB generated some definitions for the variable within the src, in a file called 'test_initialise.cpp':
// Academic License - for use in teaching, academic research, and meeting
// course requirements at degree granting institutions only. Not for
// government, commercial, or other organizational use.
// File: test_initialize.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.2
// C/C++ source code generated on : 21-Sep-2021 18:06:42
// Include Files
#include "test_initialize.h"
#include "test_data.h"
// Function Definitions
// Arguments : void
// Return Type : void
void test_initialize()
T = 10.0;
isInitialized_test = true;
// File trailer for test_initialize.cpp
// [EOF]
As you can see, T is there and defined. Furthermore, in the actual 'test.cpp':
// Academic License - for use in teaching, academic research, and meeting
// course requirements at degree granting institutions only. Not for
// government, commercial, or other organizational use.
// File: test.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.2
// C/C++ source code generated on : 21-Sep-2021 18:06:42
// Include Files
#include "test.h"
#include "test_data.h"
#include "test_initialize.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <stdio.h>
// Function Definitions
// Arguments : void
// Return Type : void
void test()
double d;
unsigned char u;
if (!isInitialized_test) {
d = std::round(T + 1.0);
if (d < 256.0) {
if (d >= 0.0) {
u = static_cast<unsigned char>(d);
} else {
u = 0U;
} else if (d >= 256.0) {
u = MAX_uint8_T;
} else {
u = 0U;
printf("\tA: %u\n", u);
// File trailer for test.cpp
// [EOF]
You can see T is indeed contained within the script.
Best of luck!


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