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Errorbar plotting in MATLAB

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Aniruddha Das
Aniruddha Das el 2 de Abr. de 2021
Comentada: Aniruddha Das el 5 de Abr. de 2021
I have 3 vectors which contains numerical data. I can calculate the median, positive and Negative standard deviation of these numbers for each vector. I want to plot these 3 vectors in a single graph showing errorbars and also want to visualise each datapoint of each vector in different colors. How to do that?
  2 comentarios
dpb el 2 de Abr. de 2021
What did you try using errorbar and where did you get stuck, specifically?
I don't know what a "negative standard deviation" is; perhaps you just mean the negative errorbar error value? Unless use asymmetric error values, you only pass one error value for errorbar
You don't give any klews as to what you would want to do about using the median for something; perhaps you might also want to look at Box plots...the boxplot function in ML.
Aniruddha Das
Aniruddha Das el 5 de Abr. de 2021
Thank you.

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Meg Noah
Meg Noah el 2 de Abr. de 2021
Editada: Meg Noah el 2 de Abr. de 2021
vec1 = rand(20,1);
vec2 = 20*rand(20,1)-15*rand(20,1);
vec3 = 3*rand(20,1);
med = [median(vec1) median(vec2) median(vec3)];
pos = [3*std(vec1) 3*std(vec2) 3*std(vec3)];
neg = [std(vec1) std(vec2) std(vec3)];
for ivec = 1:3
errorbar(ivec,med(ivec),pos(ivec),neg(ivec),'.','DisplayName',['Vector ' num2str(ivec)]);
hold on;
xlim([0 4]);
% all the data on one plot with error bars
errorbar([1:20]',vec1,pos(1)*ones(20,1),neg(1)*ones(20,1),'.','DisplayName','Vector 1');
hold on;
errorbar([1:20]',vec2,pos(2)*ones(20,1),neg(2)*ones(20,1),'.','DisplayName','Vector 2');
errorbar([1:20]',vec3,pos(3)*ones(20,1),neg(3)*ones(20,1),'.','DisplayName','Vector 3');
xlim([0 21]);

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