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Optimization of 4 cost functions altogether with specified constraints

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How can I optimize 4 simple cost functions altogether with specified constraints on each of them using MATLAB and optimization toolbox?
  6 comentarios
Matt J
Matt J el 21 de Jun. de 2013
Editada: Matt J el 21 de Jun. de 2013
Maybe I wasn't clear. Do you mean you want to calculate
[argmin(f1), argmin(f2), argmin(f3), argmin(f4)]
without using a for-loop? If instead, you're looking for a single x that simultaneously minimizes f1(x), f2(x), f3(x), and f4(x), then see Jan's Answer.
Ali Rezaei
Ali Rezaei el 23 de Jun. de 2013
Yes, that is true. Each f_i (i=1,2,3,4) can be shown as f_i(x1,x2,x3,x4). The x1, x2, x3 and x4 are the same for all of 4 functions.

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Respuestas (1)

Jan el 21 de Jun. de 2013
Editada: Jan el 21 de Jun. de 2013
You cannot optimize for 4 different criteria at the same time. An optimization requires a scalar cost function, and this is related to the nature of the term "optimimum".
If you want to consider 4 parameters, you still need a norm to create a scalar: E.g. a weighted or unweighted sum(), max() or mean(). Using max() is not smooth anymore and the optimization method need to consider this explicitly.
Find the price of an article, which maximizes the income of the sellers and minimizes the costs for the buyers simultaneously.
This must fail for obvious reasons.
  1 comentario
Ali Rezaei
Ali Rezaei el 23 de Jun. de 2013
Thanks for the proper answer, Is there another methodology like MCDM to solve the problem ?

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