Problem 44959. RSA encryption using public key

Encrypt the message text by converting to uint8 matrix using UTF-8 representation. Convert uint8 matrix to a large integer string. Use RSA encryption on the integer string given the public keys (n and e) and output the encrypted integer string. The public key (e) will always be fixed at 65537. No hashing or padding of the message is done.

For example:

message = 'I like to swim!';%given as input
integer_String = '379695297047669462525290688599911713';%calculated
n='418336393847020647250825879743341651032293545176800777981294580200903315345456262337972725306797613061';%given as input
e= 65537;%fixed
output_String = '158037161019988039882393476857386648994978438821991287680442802412825849535544067751541256843540494019';%output


Solution Stats

48.15% Correct | 51.85% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Jul 06, 2023

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