Orbit wizard

Versión 1.0.2 (1020 KB) por Min-Seon Jo
Calculation of Initial Conditions of Orbits(SSO, GSO, Molniya) through 6 Orbital Elements.
116 descargas
Actualizado 2 sep 2022

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This application is a program for the calculation of Initial Conditions of Orbit (SSO, GSO, Molniya) through 6 Orbital Elements.
There are no free programs available to students at present, so we have created the application using Matlab Aerospace Toolbox (R2022a) for education.
  • SSO, Molniya: Calculation of Initial Condition using J2 Mean Orbit Propagator
  • GSO: Calculation of Initial Condition using Two Body Propagator
Orbit wizard, version 1.0.2 (Last updated: September 2, 2022)
App development: Min-Seon Jo, Minsu Kim, Chang Hyun Lee (Department of Aerospace Engineering, Pusan National University)
Research advisor: Professor Dong-hyun Cho (Department of Aerospace Engineering, Pusan National University)

Citar como

Min-Seon Jo, Minsu Kim, Chang Hyun Lee, Dong-hyun Cho (2022). Orbit wizard (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/<...>), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved September 2, 2022.

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R2022a
Compatible con cualquier versión
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
Windows macOS Linux

Inspirado por: Equation of Time

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