32.027 resultados
Fast computation of intersections and self-intersections of curves using vectorization.
Distance based interpolation along a general curve in space
Computes intersection points of two curves.
num2strexact does exact conversion of number to string based on IEEE floating point bit pattern
Randomly and uniformly generates vectors with a specified sum and values in a specified interval.
Splits an array of any dimension into cell array of equal sized chunks.
Fills the figure with axes subplots with easily adjustable margins and gaps between the axes.
Interactive app to study a given first order ODE
The Graph Digitizer Tool is a MATLAB script that enables users to extract data points from graphs in images.
Turns the mouse into a pop-up magnifying glass to look at details of 2D plots.
Violin Plot based on kernel density estimation, using default ksdensity
Shapiro-Wilk & Shapiro-Francia parametric hypothesis test of composite normality.
Easily extract crash logs generated by MATLAB
All combinations of input (v4.2, apr 2018)
Remove excess margins from figures.
concatenate vectors with different lengths by padding with NaN
Efficiently performs separable operations (e.g., sum, mean,prod, min, max,...) on array sub-blocks
Bode plot with asymptotes
Export a variety of inputs (patch, surface) to an STL triangular mesh
all combinations of two elements
Computes/applies rotation about arbitrary 3D line.
Adds multi-file functionality to functions handling only single files.
This function displays the IEEE double-precision representation of a double in MATLAB.
An extremely fast implementation of the Hungarian algorithm on a native Matlab code.
Login dialog with asterisk hidden password.
An updated version of Pplane that works on Matlab R2018b
Convert an xml file into a MATLAB structure for easy access to the data.
Efficient nonlinear regression fitting using a constrained, partitioned least squares overlay to fmi
Wait a certain time for a single keypress
setFigTransparency sets the transparency/opacity of a figure window, with optional fading effect
The function warps the WIN32 ShowWindow API in User32.dll.
STLREAD imports geometry from a binary stereolithography (STL) file into MATLAB.
Check uniqueness of function names
Plot a 3D-cube
Sort strings in natural order.
Parse a sentence or any string into distinct "words"
GETUNDOC returns a structure of undocumented properties (names & values) for the specified object
Produces a plot who's y-axis skips to avoid unnecessary blank space
increases speed of xlswrite function when used in loops or multiple times.
Triangular Contour Plot
Display a mesh above a grayscale image
Get a table of contour line coordinates from a contour object.
An efficient and accurate Inter-Point Distance Matrix
RGB triplets for 949 colors, by how they're perceived on a computer monitor and their common names.
POLYPARCI calculates confidence intervals for parameters estimated by ‘polyfit’.
Permutations with repetition, all or a subset
Compute Multiple Integrals of Orders 4, 5, and 6
List all partitions of an integer
A figure ready to scroll through and play videos. You can also draw any custom graphics on it.
3-d volume (voxel) rendering
Efficient Random Variates Generator (from over 50 distributions).
linear indices for each run in a vector (run length encoding, and decoding)
All Pernutations of integers with sum criteria
A solution to the problem of Matlab consuming an enormous amount of time to recover from an "Undefined function or variable" error.
Numeric base conversion between any two numeric bases, for any size integer.
Change the state of a window, like minimize and maximize.
Many-featured, platform independent file and directory picker.
Draw a line with an arrowhead.
SMOOTHN allows automatized and robust smoothing in arbitrary dimension w/wo missing values