Symbolic derivative in a sum
Hello OG, If you know d/dp G for the elements of G, you can use d/dp G^-1 = -G^-1 (d/dp G) G^-1 which is all right numericall...

12 meses hace | 0

Solving complex linear equations with conjugate operations
Hello SB, Any way you look at it you have four independent unknown quantities, but there is some choice of their form. For the...

12 meses hace | 0

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Confusing THD value for a Signal without Harmonics
Hi weinan, MODIFIED The thd process widens the peaks, as shown by the plot produced when you invoke thd. When the frequency i...

12 meses hace | 1

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I'm trying to get code to show the increase of density from the center outward.
Hi Matthew, you could try a cutaway view (which doesn't represent the sphere as a solid) n = 40; r0 = 5; [x y z] = sphere(n...

casi 1 año hace | 0

Plotting the profile of an airfoil generated by random NACA numbers.
Hello Keaton, I changed the line TT0 = string(:,3:4) to TT0 = string(:,3) since the program does not run otherwise. ...

casi 1 año hace | 0

Antipodal and Unipolar Analytical Curve
Hello James, For the analytical part, you get an exact match for the curves by replacing Pb_antipodal_analytical = erfc(sqrt(2...

casi 1 año hace | 0

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Total Least squares error help. I tried a couple different things here, but i'm not exactly sure how to do a total least squares error. The numbers aren't making sense to me.
Hi Rian, the problem is that b is a column vector, but predictionvalues is a row vector. Using predictionvalues = m([0, 1, 2,...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 1

pearsrnd and pearspdf are not coherent for the Pearson IV distribution?
Hello Marco, It appears that you are implicating the pearson rand function here, but I believe the real culprit is the pearson ...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 1

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Problem with damping constant affecting displacement in a mass system displacement system
Hi Daneil, I don't see any signs that your calculation is incorrect, although in some cases you may have to run the calculation...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

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Interpolation schemes that produce positive second derivatives of the interpolant
Hi SW, Here is one way to go about it. The data has 10 closely spaced points and one well separated point x(11). Fit the firs...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

3D Fourier Series fftn?
Hi sbr Absolutely this is a 3d fourier series. The reason that the normalization 1/8*LxLyLz does not depend on grid size is th...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

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Finding nice color bar limits automatically
Hi William, It looks like you want to move from the limits you have to some with fewer significant figures such as 1 or 2. Her...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

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What are the point locations for EHfields() function output?
Hi XC, I don't have the antenna toolbox but there are definite indications that they are using the sphere command. Sphere has ...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

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Antenna Element Calibration File Size Calculation
Hi John, assuming the required memory is the product of those four factors, then if these are 64 bit floating point real number...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

Reciprocity mismatch using geodetic2aer and aer2geodetic
Hi Leonardo, There is no reason for the reciprocity you mentioned to hold true. This has to be the case since the aer coodinat...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

Can I assign vectors with different number of rows per-column to a matrix?
Hi Abdallah, Cell arrays are very versatile but they are also on the slow side. Depending on what you are doing, that may not ...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

How do I solve this ODE system where there exists derivatives in both sides?
Hi Arda, These two equations are of the form p' Jxx - r' Jxz = f(...) where ... = p,q,r,J,J,M,M (a bunch of known stu...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

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How can I create randomly scattered points between two circles?
(At Adam's suggestion I moved my previous comment to this answer) What tells the tale is the differential area element in the (...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 3

Hi, everyone! I have a question about generating random meshgrid.
Hello yc, If you are willing to make an approximation to the area of each grid quadrilateral then I think there is a reasonably...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

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Voltage peaks after opening of a contactor in an inductive circuit
Hello Ivan, I'm not sure how you obtain 17.5kV from 500A and 50ns, and 50ns seems really fast if the contactor is mechanical, b...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

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How to perform a coordinate transformation in a function?
Hi Kovacs Here is one way. Clearly x^2 + t^2 = xi^2 by inspection, so that factor, which is common to both terms, can be sav...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 1

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How can I write "StruveL function" in matlab?
Hello Shreen, Here are two ways although you will need the symbolics toolbox for the first one. I used benign values for z and...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

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This code runs except the graph and results are incredibly wrong
Hi Connor, The reason your code is going to 10^26 is that you are missing an important factor on the last line of rk4, which is...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

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How to find the max Phase lead provided by a Compensator?
Hi Gidel, It's not a single command and it's numeric, but is w = 0:.001:10; maxangle = (180/pi)*max(angle((i*w+1)./(i*w+3))) ...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 1

impedance matching single stub
Hi Moza, You have most of it, but you need to add a step and change a sign error. The section terminated by R and C, I called ...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

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11 kV phase to phase voltage, what is the value of phase to ground voltage?
Hi N^2 I believe the result should be Vgnd = 11000/sqrt(3) = 6351 V. However, if the 11000V is RMS, and the voltage to ground ...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

5 equations, 5 unknowns using fsolve; with scientific variables
Hi Kaushal, looks like 6 eqns 6 unknowns not 5. All of your unknowns appear in the numerators of the given expressions and no...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

Finding Coefficients for the particular solution
Hi Tashanda, let u and v be 2x1 vectors with the coefficient of cos as first element, coefficient of sine as second element, an...

más de 1 año hace | 0

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Power Spectrum estimate using pwelch function
Hi Matthew, I don't think there is an issue here, exactly. pxx_hamming1 is the default psd for pwelch. If you take pxx_hammin...

más de 1 año hace | 1

Does MATLAB considers poles while COMPLEX integrating a function?
Hi simran, Yes, the 2F1 expression does consider the pole, as you can see by the fact that the expression gets large as z appoa...

más de 1 año hace | 1

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