
John Barber

Con actividad desde 2011

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Simulation time in Simulink goes up because of minor changes
Might be a zero-crossing detection issue. In general, when zero crossings occur, Simulink does a solver reset, which can negate...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

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Clearing functions selectively, excluding ones with persistent vars
Another approach is to use the |mlock| function inside of the functions that you want to protect from being cleared. You can th...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 1

Simulink Dynamic Popup Parameter Values Set at Mask Initialization
Here are my results (in R2014a) on a block with parameter 2 being the popup of interest, using a number of approaches: % Co...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 3

Piecewise functions using @ operator
In addition to following Walter's advice about logical indexing, you'll want to learn about the differences between scripts, fun...

casi 11 años hace | 0

How to convert an image from rgb to l*a*b color space without using any function???
Here is a good reference for color space conversions: <> Once you u...

casi 11 años hace | 1

prevent creating workspace variables
Try this: h = find_system(bdroot,'BlockType','Scope'); for k = 1:length(h) set_param(h{k},'SaveToWorkspace','off'...

casi 11 años hace | 0

Is it possible to use a section of a colormap?
The |caxis| function lets you adjust the axes' color limits ( |CLim| property), which determine the range of data values that ar...

casi 11 años hace | 0

Making a Graphics Object
You have several options: 1) Depending on how complex the shape is, you could draw it as a single |patch| object and modify t...

casi 11 años hace | 1

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YTickLabels at specified RGB values in colorbar
Here is an example: hSurf = surf(peaks); hCbar = colorbar; set(hCbar,'YTick',[-5 0.3 6],'YTickLabel',{'Blue','Green','Re...

casi 11 años hace | 1

Shadowing built-in functions
I have recently started to use packages, although their utility is significantly reduced by the fact that packages do not import...

casi 11 años hace | 3

Comment out Simulink block using a command line function?
Try the following: set_param(path_to_your_block,'Commented','on')

alrededor de 11 años hace | 3

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Is there a way to plot (4D) such that x, y, and z are in the linear scale but the fourth dimension is logarithmic?
Deven, As far as I know, the color axis cannot be directly set to log-scale, unlike the three coordinate axes. However, you ...

alrededor de 11 años hace | 0

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Determine Pixel Length of Text String
Michael, Especially with a proportional font, it would be very difficult to determine the pixel size for an arbitrary string ...

más de 11 años hace | 1

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Function for setting tick markers on a variable length x axis.
Hi Chris, I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for, but you might want to try my File Exchange program, xtickinterval, wh...

más de 11 años hace | 0

How to make only x-axis invisible (y-axis stays visible)?
This solution might be overkill, but you can get that effect with my File Exchange program 'oaxes', available here: <http://www....

más de 11 años hace | 0

How to move library subsystems between user libraries in R2012b ?
One way is to do the following: 1) Copy the subsystem and paste into the new library - it will paste as a link as you have st...

más de 11 años hace | 0

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How to render an accurate image of a 3D model
A few thoughts: 1) I concur with Walter's point about getting the actual figure position. You should also be familiar with a...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 1

Multiple Axis Scales
For the legend, use one of the File Exchange 'Enhanced Legends': <

alrededor de 13 años hace | 0

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data from JPEG
The File Exchange program GRABIT is a good way to extract data points from an image of a graph. Download it here: <http://www.m...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 1

Get next plot color
The next color to be used by a call to |plot| is stored as an index into the list of colors in the axes' |ColorOrder| property. ...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 2