Reference Model Computed Interface Mismatch Even After Updating
I understand that you are experiencing an issue where the "computed interface information must match saved interface information...

9 meses hace | 0

Error Using CAT12 Basic Models
I can gather that you are facing an "Invalid or deleted object" error in CAT12 when running Basic Models, which is linked to how...

10 meses hace | 0

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Save and load models in phase plane app
I see that you are facing an issue using the 'Save' and 'Load' buttons in the Phase Plane app. The ‘Save’ button saves the cur...

10 meses hace | 1

'failure to load device plug-in' in MATLAB/Simulink for Vector VN1610 CAN interface.
Hi Sam, I see that you are encountering a "failure to load device plug-in" error when trying to connect the Vector VN1610 CAN in...

10 meses hace | 0

无法安装signal processing
I see that you already have a MATLAB license and want to install the Signal Processing Toolbox. You can refer to the followin...

10 meses hace | 0

Under voltage error occurred while estimating PMSM parameters using TI LaunchPad 28379D and Boost pack 8305
Hi Saathwik, I can understand that encountering an under-voltage error while estimating PMSM parameters using the TI LaunchPad 2...

10 meses hace | 0

Design a hydrokinetic turbine in Simulink.
Hi Kawsar, I understand that you are aiming to design a hydrokinetic turbine in Simulink using real mechanical data from an E...

11 meses hace | 0

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Is it possible to utilize the sound recorded on 'matlab mobile' during simulink real time simulation?
I comprehend that you want to leverage the sound recorded on 'MATLAB Mobile' in a Simulink real-time simulation. I invite you ...

11 meses hace | 0

how to create contant conical strucure in matlab mainwriting ?
Hi Alia, It is my understanding that you are seeking guidance on how to create a constant conical structure in MATLAB using i...

11 meses hace | 1

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how can i calculate this equation using matlab
Hello Seungpyo Kang, I observe that you want to solve a fourth-degree equation (quartic equation) in a similar manner in MATL...

11 meses hace | 0

How to add variables to the equation by using loop?
Hello Rufat Ismayilov, I see that you want to dynamically adjust the number of terms in an equation based on a specified lag v...

11 meses hace | 0

trainNetwork: è possibile accedere alla rete tramite la funzione di callback durante l'addestramento?
I capture the fact that you are looking to use Mean Absolute Error (MAE) as a loss function for evaluating the performance of yo...

12 meses hace | 0

How to set a dynamic property as transient?
From what I gather, you are seeking clarification on why setting the Transient attribute to true for a dynamic property in MATLA...

12 meses hace | 0

Importing OWL API in Matlab
From your question, I can understand that you are experiencing difficulties integrating the OWL API with MATLAB to load an ontol...

12 meses hace | 0

Inputting Statics Equilibrium Equations
I see that you are seeking guidance on how to enter and solve static equilibrium equations in MATLAB. I assume that you are usin...

12 meses hace | 1

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how to convert the single sided fft output into dBm
I reckon that you wish to convert the single-sided FFT output of a noisy signal into dBm units to compare with spectrum analyser...

12 meses hace | 0

Is the code repo for the seminar "Design and Simulation of Autonomous Surface Vessels (ASV)" available?
Hi Jason, I invite you to check the following File Exchange post, where you can also find the link to the GitHub repository wh...

12 meses hace | 0

2d Chebyshev polynomial interpolation
It is my understanding that you are seeking a method to interpolate a 2D polynomial over a grid of Chebyshev points, extending t...

12 meses hace | 0

Why does my speedup resolution reduction code not function correctly?
It is my understanding that you would like to determine why two versions of your MATLAB code, which aim to reduce image resoluti...

casi 1 año hace | 0

Import data from web and using button from the web
I understand that you would like to import data from the web using MATLAB functions. I assume that you are using MATLAB R2023b. ...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

How to make use of asbTrajectory Tool
I reckon that you are trying to run and understand the Quadcopter Project example which can be found in the documentation of the...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

Path planning for automated parking using hybrid A* algorithm
I understand that you are trying to run the "Automated Parking Valet" example in the Automated Driving Toolbox, which utilizes t...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

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Simulating for U channel cooling system using own battery pack.
I suggest verifying the the sizes of the ports on both components (Module1.BottomExtClnt and U_shaped_Channels.Side1). As the er...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

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How to generate Rayleigh/Weibull distributed complex random variable?
To generate a complex random variable with a Rayleigh or Weibull distribution, you can use the raylrnd or wblrnd functions in MA...

más de 1 año hace | 0

Script to load .mat file from a path, calculate a value based on a formula, loop the same until the last file of the folder (could be 1000s) and add the calc'd values in one.
This is a sample script which will help you accomplish what you need: % Specify the folder containing the .mat files folder =...

más de 1 año hace | 0

Extracting a specific row from two different variables
You can use MATLAB's logical indexing feature. Here is an example of how you can do this: Assuming your data is stored in two a...

más de 1 año hace | 0

Feature selection in sequence to one regression
In the case of a sequence-to-one regression problem, where you have multiple time-series features and a single-valued target var...

más de 1 año hace | 0

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Not able to run the app designer code.
The error you are encountering is because the registerApp method in your today4 class has different access permissions than the ...

más de 1 año hace | 0

Calling Python modules in MATLAB function Simulink Block
The issue you are encountering is due to the way MATLAB handles Python function calls in the Simulink environment. In MATLAB scr...

más de 1 año hace | 0

General code for chebyshev pseudo spectral method
The pseudo-spectral collocation method is a numerical method for solving differential equations using the spectral representatio...

más de 1 año hace | 2

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