Simulating a FIR filter
Use the filter command. In this case your denominator, (A), coefficients are just 1. x = [ 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 ]' % input b = [...

más de 5 años hace | 1

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Obtain input knowing output and transfer function
Since you have a simple transfer function, here's what I would do. (1) First generate some data that we will subsequently try ...

casi 6 años hace | 2

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curve fitting of non linear data for strain-time of creep experiment
Here's my attempt: load data1 t = time; e = strain; plot(t,e) %% Now try curve fit creep = @(p, t) p(1)*(1-exp(-p...

casi 6 años hace | 0

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Trouble with time delay differential equation
I've only made one small change to your function. You have tried to index a non-integer number back, but the "Z" variable holds ...

casi 6 años hace | 0

How can I simultaneously solve for these equations?
If you have the symbolic toolbox, a straight forward approach works, although it takes some time ... % ODE propblem syms B...

casi 6 años hace | 0

Error when using ode15
It is good practice to try and avoid globals, but rather pass them as auxilary variables into the function. Fao = 1487.351; % ...

casi 6 años hace | 0

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Plotting Step Response of a Differential Equation
You are close to a viable solution. Solve for an analytical solution, then make it a Matlab (anonymous) function with matlabFunc...

casi 6 años hace | 0

Runge-Kutta 4th order method
First up, you will need a much smaller step size to get an accurate solution using this explicit RK4 (with no error control). I ...

casi 6 años hace | 3

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How to draw Fig. 1 from the attached pdf with this code
I didn't bother draw the other 3 lines, but you just ned to make the necessary changes to gamma for that. If you run somethi...

casi 6 años hace | 0

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fsurf not drawing cant explain
Do you really need to use the symbolic toolbox? Why not just plot a numerical surface? But you are right, your numbers are widel...

casi 6 años hace | 0

Fitting Monod Equation with ODE45 to data using lsqcurvefit function
Here's my solution. First set up the measured data, plot it, and look to see that it is all OK. t = [0 3 5 8 9.5 11.5 14 16 ...

casi 6 años hace | 0

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Solve integrals with Matlab
Do you have the symbolic toolbox? If so, start with the int command. You can do both indefinite and definite integration. sy...

casi 6 años hace | 1

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MATLAB Help - Rolling Dice Simulation / Central Limit Theorem
A quick hack using randi and cumsum is N = 100 x = randi(6,N,6); cs = cumsum(x')'; for i=1:6 subplot(3,2,i) histogram...

casi 6 años hace | 0

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How to calculate the accumulated rainfall value of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 days.
Here is my solution: I notice that you've got few NaNs for about a year and a half. Your last year is also incomplete. I is...

casi 6 años hace | 0

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plot x axis as persentage
Below, I've plotted an arbitrary function between arbitrary limits, -5 and +37. %% x = linspace(-5,37)'; y = erf(x/20); ...

casi 6 años hace | 0

inline function error help(tanh)
I can, but perhaps you should use anonymous functions. The inline approach is now discouraged. Instead of what you wrote above...

casi 6 años hace | 0

how to plot multiple waves on one surface
Here is a mock up solution. Code is: below. I've used part of your data, but I've made up some similar data (using a sinc fun...

casi 6 años hace | 0

LaTex with 2 strings separated by a num2str
Use an escape (backslash) for the % errordisplay=[' $\varepsilon_{RTP}=$ ',num2str(rtep),'\%'];

casi 6 años hace | 1

Solving second order implicit differential equation
Just convert the 2nd order ODE into Cauchy form. You will of course need 2 initial condtions. Define x, now you original equat...

casi 6 años hace | 0

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Stimulating Chemical Reaction with Differential Equation on Simulink
Homework? Anyway, to get you started, take a look at my Simulink layout: I've painted the integrators yellow, and I have expli...

casi 6 años hace | 0

how do i rotate an airfoil points? and plot.
Does this look better? Some (small) changes to your code. I swapped your rotation direction to better follow your example pl...

casi 6 años hace | 3

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plotting an exponential will a matrix over time
OK, your question is a bit vauge, and there are missing bits, i.e. the start point for y. I'm assuming you are trying to solve...

casi 6 años hace | 0

finding lengths of an ellipse
If you need a little more help, then it pays to plot the ellipse and look at the arc lengths. t = linspace(0,2*pi)'; x = @(t)...

casi 6 años hace | 0

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I want to know how i can apply k-means clustering on my scatter plotted dataset.
You probably want to use kmeans. Since you didn't give us any data to workj with, nor did you give us any idea of the number o...

casi 6 años hace | 1

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Fitting model to titration data
For one thing, you don't assign an answer to function sseval. That's not going to help things. Here's my solution: I've re...

casi 6 años hace | 2

Position of two subplots with bar charts
One option is to obtain the position of the plot with the long legend, and then re-size the other to the same width. But it's pr...

casi 6 años hace | 1

Histogram x axis tick labels – string
Try >> get(gca,'XTicklabel') and hack that.

casi 6 años hace | 1

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Histogram x axis tick labels – string
Released 2016b. What's your version? >> which xticklabels C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2018b\toolbox\matlab\graph3d\xticklabels.m...

casi 6 años hace | 0

Histogram x axis tick labels – string
Hack the final xticklabel x = randn(1e5,1); x= x-min(x)+1; histogram(log(x)) xlim([0,3]) xt = xticklabels; xt{end} = 'oth...

casi 6 años hace | 1

solving a very complicated equation implicitly
A quick answer is you probably need to dot-divide (./) the term with the (vector) rpf. 2nd point. Because I used a root finder...

casi 6 años hace | 0

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