Best Practice: Many Functions relying on Global Variables?
See this link for a related discussion involving the best way to define global constants, in particular Steven Lord's answer: h...

más de 2 años hace | 1

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Use Matlab to find the acceleration and jerk of the body with velocity
Take the derivative of velocity to get acceleration. Take the derivative of acceleration to get jerk. Since you have an explic...

más de 2 años hace | 0

floating-point arithmetic
"... the IEEE754 conversion of 0.1234 and 0.123 have infinite digits ..." Not sure what you mean by this statement. Neither of ...

más de 2 años hace | 0

random number generating RANDI with percentage
One way: n = 1000; p = 0.86; r = rand(n,1); x = r < p; m = sum(x); r(x) = randi([0,14],m,1); r(~x) = randi([15,28],n-m,1)...

más de 2 años hace | 0

Points inside the sphere
Just plug your points into the ellipsoid equation and see if they work. E.g., ((x - X)/a).^2 + ((y - Y)/b).^2 + ((z - Z)/c).^2 ...

más de 2 años hace | 1

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Strange output from symbolic calculation
This isn't strange at all. You are asking the Symbolic Engine to examine all floating point expressions involving pi, which isn'...

más de 2 años hace | 0

I keep getting an error?
Generally, these types of problems are solved by extracting the contents of the cell instead of using the cell itself. E.g., C ...

más de 2 años hace | 0

3D sparse matrices
You can use the ndSparse FEX submission by Matt J:

más de 2 años hace | 0

Convert Fortran to MATLAB
Here is the equivalent MATLAB code: NB = 100; F = 0; for i=1:NB % [some equations] if( abs(xm) < wm ) ym ...

más de 2 años hace | 0

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What is the difference between a^3 and a.^3 if a is a matrix?
E = C^3 is a matrix power, equivalent to E = C*C*C, where these are all matrix multiplies. D = C.^3 is element-wise power, wher...

más de 2 años hace | 2

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Need Help for the rest of this coding
This is very basic vector construction and indexing. I suggest you take the MATLAB Onramp tutorials found here: https://www.mat...

más de 2 años hace | 0

Malfunction to my matrix calculation
K .* F (with the dot) does element-wise multiplication with implicit array expansion if the variables are different sizes, thus ...

más de 2 años hace | 1

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How do I write this c++ for loop statement in Matlab for loop?
E.g., using a while loop (changed max and min to maxx and minn): x = j; while( maxx >= minn && x <= m+r ) % body of loop ...

más de 2 años hace | 0

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why my matlab code calculates the inequality wrongly?
Negative numbers are not greater than positive numbers. This is the correct result. What is strange to you about this?

más de 2 años hace | 0

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RK4 Method for Windkessel error
Multiple errors. When you call your function handle f, it is assumed that the P and Q are values passed at time t. They are not ...

más de 2 años hace | 1

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Use a for loop to determine the sum of the first ten even terms in the series 5k3 (k=2, 4, 6, ….)
You are summing all the terms with 2:10. For the "even" terms you need to skip the odd ones, so the range would be 2:2:something...

más de 2 años hace | 0

Polt an object in uniform circular motion with Euler method
So you have made a good start, but you have errors in your derivatives ... why do you have t's in your derivative equations? The...

más de 2 años hace | 0

How to solve a non-linear system of differential equations?
Your equations are linear in the derivatives, so you can form your equations as a matrix equation, then write a derivative funct...

más de 2 años hace | 1

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What do I need to change to get my Improved Euler's to match my Euler's?
Your current code is hard to read and debug because you have multiple variations of this expression scattered throughout your co...

más de 2 años hace | 0

How do i use fminsearch to find the minimum or maximum of a function . x.^4-3.*x.*y+2.*y.^2
You need to have your function handle accept a vector and return a scalar. I.e., the x argument to the function handle is a vect...

más de 2 años hace | 0

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Optimization of Rocket Launch
You have proposed work that IMO is way beyond what is achievable with your code. Constrained optimization of this sort is not tr...

más de 2 años hace | 0

how to split a string (char value) with zero in front of it but showing the value in the matrix?
Two more ways: S = '0100'; S=='0' % logical result S-'0' % double result

más de 2 años hace | 0

Manual MEX vs MEX by codegen
MATLAB does not publish the "rules" that Codegen uses to generate mex code. Because it is automated, I am not surprised that the...

más de 2 años hace | 0

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Solve 2nd order ODE using Euler Method
You start your loop with i=1, but that means your x_d(i-1) will be x_d(0), an invalid index, hence the error. You need to set in...

más de 2 años hace | 0

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Finding a single root of x^(3.6)=75
Make a function handle with the @ operator. E.g., fun = @(x) x^(3.6)-75; x0=3; z = fzero(fun,x0) Check z^3.6 Or you can r...

más de 2 años hace | 2

Need to find dot product between two second order tensor
If you change the inner loop calculation to this: w(i,k) = dot(S(i,:),u(:,k)); then you would have dot products between the S ...

más de 2 años hace | 0

linear combination of vector and permutation
Another way very similar to Torsten's method, limited to two desired values: n = 3; 2*(dec2bin(0:2^n-1)-'0')-1

más de 2 años hace | 0

Use trapezoidal method to find the deflection at each measurement point.
Sounds like you want the cumtrapz( ) function. If the assignment requires you to use loops, just code up the formula found in th...

más de 2 años hace | 0

How to convert decimals to Ascii characters?
Your table isn't ASCII encoding of characters, so you can't use simple functions such as double( ) etc. You are probably going t...

más de 2 años hace | 1

Trapezoidal numerical integration using for loops
See the Trapezoidal Method section here for the fomula:

más de 2 años hace | 0

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