channel flow of multiple gases (look for toolbox)

alrededor de 7 años hace | 0

2d function in 3d

alrededor de 7 años hace | 0

Measure simulink step time
Use the < Solver Profiler>.

alrededor de 7 años hace | 2

MATLAB 2017b Download question
You can display the help by manually typing help comm

alrededor de 7 años hace | 0

getfield() error when calling on multiple fields: "Struct contents reference from a non-struct array object"
Which version of MATLAB are you using? The documentation says that getfield() can access nested fields, not that you can retriev...

alrededor de 7 años hace | 1

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fmincon should return a scalar value error
fmincon() crashed because it expected the objective function to return a scalar value but got something that was not a scalar. ...

alrededor de 7 años hace | 3

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I can't Aerospace Blockset
For installation problems, contact the install support team <> . Do you have a license for the Aerospace...

alrededor de 7 años hace | 0

How can I expand a complex number in Real + i*Imaginary parts using symbolic variables?
Not sure if it is what you are trying to do, but you can extract the real and imaginary parts of an expression using the real() ...

alrededor de 7 años hace | 0

Error with symbolic integral: Input arguments must be convertible to floating-point numbers
All arguments of the max() function must be convertible to floating point (numeric) numbers. You cannot use max() with purely sy...

alrededor de 7 años hace | 3

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Is there a way to access the underlying model/script of a Simulink/Simscape component?
Unfortunately the function plotting the I-V curve is compiled, which means that you cannot access its source code. There is no w...

alrededor de 7 años hace | 2

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Add Reset Function to Simscape Integrator Block
I am not a Simscape developer, but from what I know Simscape will not let you manually reset integrators. A work around is to us...

alrededor de 7 años hace | 0

Help on hydraulic actuator controller(pid)
If is just a problem if interfacing a Simulink PID with a Simscape valve, there are Simulink-PS Converter blocks to do that.

alrededor de 7 años hace | 0

Simscape Physical Signal: Why does is exist?
Simulink signals are causal signals with a sampling rates. Simscape physical signals are variables with time derivatives. These ...

alrededor de 7 años hace | 0

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How do I effectively search through a matrix that represents pixels of an image?
You could vectorize the inner loop using find()

alrededor de 7 años hace | 0

How to design a pneumatic cylinder in Simulink ??
Pneumatic systems are modeled using the gas domain from the Simscape Foundation library. <

alrededor de 7 años hace | 0

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Using Cell Arrays in Interpolants
There is a problem with your last snippet of code. Here is how you should correct it. testcell = {[1;3]; [2; 4]}; F(test...

más de 7 años hace | 1

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Performing calculation with multiple conditions with for loop and nested if statements
This code is working fine. Are your sure you loaded T1 properly? As KSSV mentioned, you do not need a for loop to do this calcu...

más de 7 años hace | 1

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How can I get 3 decimals placeś ine the table?
Set the column type to char, and use sprintf to format the numbers with the desired number of decimal places. app.UITable.C...

más de 7 años hace | 0

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How to display data against time and location (coordinates)
You can control the color of the scatter points using the c parameter of the scatter() function. <

más de 7 años hace | 0

can anybody please explain me that how can i write the label and make shadow in the region? i have an example attached here
To plot the shadow. <> To add text to your plot <https://www.mathwor...

más de 7 años hace | 1

what the loop or function to display each item?
What about something like this? numbers = randi(100, 1,10); for k=1:numel(numbers) disp(numbers(k)) pa...

más de 7 años hace | 0

Why I am getting empty sym for vpasolve?
Since thetac is an array of 15 elements, you are trying to solve a system of 15 incompatible equations, therefore, there is no a...

más de 7 años hace | 0

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Solving a non-standard ODE
Create a interpolation of r(t), for example using interp1(), then use the interpolation routine in an ODE solver.

más de 7 años hace | 0

Recommended books on machine learning?
< Machine Learning with MATLAB>

más de 7 años hace | 0

I am getting an error 'Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent' I have attached the m-files. Thank you for your help:)
In the RHS function, the size of parameter3 is 1x28. You probably need to correct your code so that its size is 1x1. Maybe this ...

más de 7 años hace | 0

what makes the discharging energy of the capacitor is higher than that already has been charged?
_its clear the discharging has more power than charging_ There is no physical problem with the discharging power being greate...

más de 7 años hace | 0

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How can I model a massless connector in simscape 2nd generation?
There is no equivalent of the Spherical-Spherical connector in the second generation. Such joint would lead to numerical problem...

más de 7 años hace | 0

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Reduce reduce the number of for loops?
Vectorize your code <>

más de 7 años hace | 0

SimulinkでCAN通信するにはVehicle Network Toolboxが必要です。 <>

más de 7 años hace | 2

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