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Visualize octave spectrum

Since R2024b


    visualize(o) plots the octave spectrum computed by the octaveSpectrumEstimator System object™. The visualization is updated with the computed spectrum as the simulation progresses.


    h = visualize(o) also returns a handle to the visualizer object.


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    Create a dsp.AudioFileReader to stream an audio file for processing. Create an audioDeviceWriter to play the audio as you stream it.

    reader = dsp.AudioFileReader("FunkyDrums-44p1-stereo-25secs.mp3");
    player = audioDeviceWriter(SampleRate=reader.SampleRate);

    Create an octaveSpectrumEstimator object with the same sample rate as the file reader.

    o = octaveSpectrumEstimator(reader.SampleRate)
    o = 
      octaveSpectrumEstimator with properties:
                SampleRate: 44100
                 Bandwidth: '1/3 octave'
        FrequencyWeighting: 'A-weighting'
             TimeWeighting: 'fast'
            FrequencyRange: [22 22050]
               FilterOrder: 2
        ReferenceFrequency: 1000
           OctaveRatioBase: 10
                  ApplyLog: false

    Call visualize on the object to open a visualizer to display the spectrum.


    In a streaming loop:

    1. Read in a frame of audio data.

    2. Compute the octave-band spectrum

    3. Play the audio with the device writer.

    See the visualizer update with the measured spectrum as the audio plays.

    while ~isDone(reader)
        audioIn = reader();
        p = o(audioIn);

    Create a dsp.AudioFileReader to stream an audio file for processing. Create an audioDeviceWriter to play the audio as you stream it.

    reader = dsp.AudioFileReader("FunkyDrums-44p1-stereo-25secs.mp3");
    player = audioDeviceWriter(SampleRate=reader.SampleRate);

    Create an octaveSpectrumEstimator object with the same sample rate as the file reader and set the Bandwidth to 1 octave.

    o = octaveSpectrumEstimator(reader.SampleRate,Bandwidth="1 octave");

    Call visualize on the object to open a visualizer to display the spectrum.


    Call parameterTuner to open a UI to tune parameters of the octaveSpectrumEstimator while streaming.


    In a streaming loop:

    1. Read in a frame of audio data.

    2. Compute the octave-band spectrum

    3. Play the audio with the device writer.

    Adjust the properties in the parameterTuner UI while streaming.

    while ~isDone(reader)
        audioIn = reader();
        p = o(audioIn);

    Input Arguments

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    Octave spectrum estimator to visualize, specified as an octaveSpectrumEstimator System object.

    Output Arguments

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    Handle to the octave spectrum visualizer, returned as an audio.ui.scope.OctaveSpectrumVisualizer object.

    More About

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    Tuning Properties

    Changing the Bandwidth, FrequencyRange, ReferenceFrequency, or OctaveRatioBase properties on the octaveSpectrumEstimator object results in a change of the number of octave bands displayed in the visualizer. In this case, the object resets the scope before continuing to display the spectrum.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024b

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