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Extract speaker embeddings from speech

Since R2024b


    y = speakerEmbeddings(x,fs) returns a fixed-size embedding vector that is a compact representation of the speaker identity from the given speech signal.

    This function requires Deep Learning Toolbox™.



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    Try calling speakerEmbeddings in the command line. If the required model files are not installed, then the function throws an error and provides a link to download them. Click the link, and unzip the file to a location on the MATLAB path.

    Alternatively, execute the following commands to download and unzip the speakerEmbeddings model files to your temporary directory.

    downloadFolder = fullfile(tempdir,"speakerEmbeddingsDownload");
    loc = websave(downloadFolder,"");
    modelsLocation = tempdir;

    Read in three different speech signals. The first two signals, x1 and x2, contain speech from the same speaker, but x3 contains speech from another person.

    [x1,fs1] = audioread("CleanSpeech-16-mono-3secs.ogg");
    [x2,fs2] = audioread("MusicAndSpeech-16-mono-14secs.ogg");
    [x3,fs3] = audioread("Rainbow-16-8-mono-114secs.wav");

    Use speakerEmbeddings to extract speaker embeddings from each signal.

    e1 = speakerEmbeddings(x1,fs1);
    e2 = speakerEmbeddings(x2,fs2);
    e3 = speakerEmbeddings(x3,fs3);

    Use cosine similarity to compare the speaker embeddings of the x1 and x3 signals, and use the threshold of 0.25 to determine if they belong to the same speaker. This value has been empirically shown to be a good threshold across different data sets for the pretrained model used by speakerEmbeddings.

    function out = cosineSimilarity(e1,e2)
    out = dot(e1,e2)/norm(e1)*norm(e2);
    threshold = 0.25;
    cosSim = cosineSimilarity(e1,e3)
    cosSim = single
    isSameSpeaker = cosSim > threshold
    isSameSpeaker = logical

    Compare the embeddings of the x1 and x2 signals and see how they are correctly identified as belonging to the same speaker.

    cosSim = cosineSimilarity(e1,e2)
    cosSim = single
    isSameSpeaker = cosSim > threshold
    isSameSpeaker = logical

    Read in speech signals from four different speakers: Brian, Steven, Maya, and Kumar. Extract an embedding vector for each speaker.

    [x1,fs1] = audioread("brian_speech.wav");
    e1 = speakerEmbeddings(x1,fs1);
    [x2,fs2] = audioread("steven_speech.wav");
    e2 = speakerEmbeddings(x2,fs2);
    [x3,fs3] = audioread("maya_speech.wav");
    e3 = speakerEmbeddings(x3,fs3);
    [x4,fs4] = audioread("kumar_speech.wav");
    e4 = speakerEmbeddings(x4,fs4);
    speakers = ["Brian","Steven","Maya","Kumar"];
    embeddings = [e1,e2,e3,e4];

    Define a vectorized cosine similarity function for efficient comparison of multiple embeddings at once.

    function y = cosineSimilarity(x1,x2)
    y = squeeze(sum(x1.*reshape(x2,size(x2,1),1,[]),1)./ ...

    Read in a different audio signal containing Brian's speech and extract the speaker embedding.

    [x,fs] = audioread("CleanSpeech-16-mono-3secs.ogg");
    brianEmbedding = speakerEmbeddings(x,fs);

    Compare the new embedding against the existing known speaker embeddings and view the results in a table. See how Brian is correctly identified with the highest score out of the speakers.

    scores = cosineSimilarity(brianEmbedding,embeddings);
    [scoresSorted,idx] = sort(scores,"descend");
    speakersSorted = speakers(idx);
    ans=4×2 table
          Var1      scoresSorted
        ________    ____________
        "Brian"          0.2983 
        "Kumar"        0.015389 
        "Maya"       -0.0063797 
        "Steven"      -0.042839 

    Read in a new signal containing Steven's speech and perform the same speaker identification.

    [x,fs] = audioread("Counting-16-44p1-mono-15secs.wav");
    stevenEmbedding = speakerEmbeddings(x,fs);
    scores = cosineSimilarity(stevenEmbedding,embeddings);
    [scoresSorted,idx] = sort(scores,"descend");
    speakersSorted = speakers(idx);
    ans=4×2 table
          Var1      scoresSorted
        ________    ____________
        "Steven"       0.31366  
        "Maya"        0.095896  
        "Kumar"       0.039482  
        "Brian"      -0.084621  

    Using speakerEmbeddings for speaker verification requires a threshold for the similarity scores to decide whether a speaker has been verified. You can evaluate different thresholds for a speaker verification system by measuring the false acceptance rate (FAR) and the false rejection rate (FRR) of the system for given thresholds. The equal error rate (EER), which is the point at which the FAR and FRR for a system are equal, is commonly used to evaluate speaker verification systems and can be used to determine a threshold that balances the FAR and FRR.

    Use a subset of the Common Voice data set from Mozilla[1] to measure the EER with speakerEmbeddings. Create an audioDatastore object for the data set with the given helper function.

    downloadFolder = matlab.internal.examples.downloadSupportFile("audio","");
    dataFolder = tempdir;
    if ~datasetExists(string(dataFolder) + "commonvoice")
    ads = commonVoiceHelper;
    fs = 48e3;

    Extract speaker embeddings from all of the signals in the data set.

    ads_embeddings = transform(ads,@(x){speakerEmbeddings(x,fs)});
    embeddings = readall(ads_embeddings,UseParallel=true);
    embeddings = cat(2,embeddings{:});

    Measure the cosine similarity between all pairs of embedding vectors.

    allscores = cosineSimilarity(embeddings,embeddings);

    Use the speaker labels to create a matrix indicating which similarity scores correspond to two embeddings from the same speaker.

    class_matrix = ads.Labels' == ads.Labels;

    Separate the similarity scores into scores for the same speakers (scoreSame) and scores for different speakers (scoreDifferent).

    n = size(allscores,1);
    lower_triangular_logical = tril(ones(n,n),-1) == 1;
    allscores(~lower_triangular_logical) = nan;
    scoreSame = allscores(class_matrix);
    scoreDifferent = allscores(~class_matrix);
    scoreSame(isnan(scoreSame)) = [];
    scoreDifferent(isnan(scoreDifferent)) = [];

    Choose 1000 thresholds to evaluate, ranging from the minimum of the scores for different speakers to the maximum of the scores for same speakers. For each threshold measure the FAR and FRR.

    thresholds = linspace(min(scoreDifferent),max(scoreSame),1000);
    FAR = mean(scoreDifferent(:)>=thresholds(:)',1);
    FRR = mean(scoreSame(:)<thresholds(:)',1);

    Plot the FAR and FRR and find the EER. You can use the threshold of the EER as the threshold for a speaker verification system, since it ideally balances the FAR and FRR. However, the EER threshold may not always be the best choice. For example, it might be preferable for security-critical systems to have a lower FAR at the expense of a higher FRR.

    [~,EERThresholdIdx] = min(abs(FRR-FAR));
    EERThreshold = thresholds(EERThresholdIdx);
    EER = mean([FAR(EERThresholdIdx),FRR(EERThresholdIdx)]);
    plot(thresholds,FAR,"k", ...
         thresholds,FRR,"b", ...
    title(["Equal Error Rate = " + round(EER,2), "Threshold = " + round(EERThreshold,2)])
    ylabel("Error Rate")
    legend("False Acceptance Rate (FAR)","False Rejection Rate (FRR)","Equal Error Rate (EER)")
    grid on
    axis tight

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Equal Error Rate = 0.02 Threshold = 0.33, xlabel Threshold, ylabel Error Rate contains 3 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent False Acceptance Rate (FAR), False Rejection Rate (FRR), Equal Error Rate (EER).

    function y = cosineSimilarity(x1,x2)
    y = squeeze(sum(x1.*reshape(x2,size(x2,1),1,[]),1)./ ...


    [1] Mozilla Common Voice

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Speech signal, specified as a column vector or matrix of independent channels (columns). The minimum duration of the speech signal is 0.5 seconds.

    Data Types: single | double

    Sample rate in Hz, specified as a scalar. The speakerEmbeddings function requires a sample rate of at least 4000 Hz.

    Data Types: single | double

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    Speaker embedding vector, returned as a 192-by-N matrix, where N is the number of independent channels (columns) in the input signal.

    The speakerEmbeddings function uses an ECAPA-TDNN[1] model to extract the speaker embeddings. This neural network uses pretrained weights from the spkrec-ecapa-voxceleb model provided by SpeechBrain[2].


    [1] Desplanques, Brecht, Jenthe Thienpondt, and Kris Demuynck. “ECAPA-TDNN: Emphasized Channel Attention, Propagation and Aggregation in TDNN Based Speaker Verification.” In Interspeech 2020, 3830–34. ISCA, 2020.

    [2] Ravanelli, Mirco, et al. SpeechBrain: A General-Purpose Speech Toolkit. arXiv, 8 June 2021.,

    Extended Capabilities

    GPU Arrays
    Accelerate code by running on a graphics processing unit (GPU) using Parallel Computing Toolbox™.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024b

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