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Generate Reports in Polyspace Platform User Interface

Monitor quality through reports of analysis results

Polyspace® provides you with predefined report templates to select specific aspects of your analysis results. Choose a report template that collects adequate information for your requirements. For more information, see Bug Finder and Code Prover report (-report-template) or try different report templates on sample results.

If you have MATLAB® Report Generator™ installed on your system, you can customize the report templates further to suit your requirements.

DOS/UNIX Command

polyspace-report-generator(DOS/UNIX) Generate reports for Polyspace analysis results stored locally or on Polyspace Access
polyspace-results-export(DOS/UNIX) Export Polyspace results to external formats such as CSV or JSON


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polyspace_reportGenerate reports from Polyspace analysis results
polyspace.BugFinderResultsRead Polyspace Bug Finder results from MATLAB

Polyspace Options

Generate reportSpecify whether to generate a report after the analysis
Bug Finder and Code Prover report (-report-template)Specify template for generating analysis report
Output format (-report-output-format)Specify output format of generated report

Report Generator Components

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Code Metrics SummaryCreate table of Polyspace metrics
Code Verification SummaryCreate table of Polyspace analysis results
Coding Rules SummaryCreate table with number of coding rule violations
Defects SummaryCreate table of defects (Bug Finder only)
Run-time Checks Summary Ordered by FileCreate table with run-time checks ordered by file (Code Prover only)
Software Quality Objectives - Coding Rules SummaryCreate table of coding rule violations in results downloaded from Polyspace Metrics
Software Quality Objectives - Run-time Checks SummaryCreate table of results summary for results downloaded from Polyspace Metrics
Summary By FileCreate table showing summary of Polyspace results by file
Call HierarchyCreate table showing call graph in source code
Code and Verification InformationCreate table of verification times and code characteristics
Code Metrics DetailsCreate table of Polyspace metrics broken down by file and function
Coding Rules DetailsCreate table of coding rule violations broken down by file
Global Variable ChecksCreate table of global variables (Code Prover only)
Recursive FunctionsCreate table of recursive functions
Report Customization (Filtering)Create filters that apply to your Polyspace reports
Run-time Checks Details Ordered by Color/FileCreate overrides for global filters in Polyspace reports (Code Prover only)
Run-time Checks Details Ordered by Review InformationCreate table with run-time checks ordered by review information (Code Prover only)
Software Quality Objectives - Run-time Checks DetailsCreate table of result details for results downloaded from Polyspace Metrics
Variable AccessCreate table showing global variable access in source code (Code Prover only)
Variable Checks Details Ordered By Review InformationCreate table with global variable results ordered by review information (Code Prover only)
Acronym DefinitionsCreate table of Polyspace acronyms used in report and their full forms
Configuration ParametersCreate table of analysis options, assumptions and coding rules configuration


Create Reports (PDF, Word, HTML, CSV)

Export Results (Excel, MATLAB)

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