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Generate report

Specify whether to generate a report after the analysis


Specify whether to generate a report along with analysis results.

Depending on the format you specify, you can view this report using an external software. For example, if you specify the format PDF, you can view the report in a pdf reader.

Set Option

User interface (desktop products only): In your project configuration, the option is on the Reporting node.

User interface (Polyspace Platform, desktop products only): In your project configuration, the option is on the Static Analysis tab on the Reporting node.

Command line and options file: See Command-Line Information.

Why Use This Option

You can generate a report from your analysis results for archiving purposes. You can provide this report to your management or clients as proof of code quality.

Using other analysis options, you can tailor the report content and format for your specific needs. See Bug Finder and Code Prover report (-report-template) and Output format (-report-output-format).



Polyspace® generates an analysis report using the template and format you specify.

The report is stored in the Polyspace-Doc subfolder of your results folder.

In Polyspace desktop products, to open your results folder from the user interface, on the Project Browser pane, right-click the results node and select Open Folder with File Manager.

To change the results folder location, see Contents of Polyspace Project and Results Folders.

On the command-line, the results folder is the argument of the option -results-dir.

Off (default)

Polyspace does not generate an analysis report. You can still view your results in the Polyspace interface.


This option allows you to specify report generation before starting an analysis.

To generate a report after an analysis is complete, in the user interface of the Polyspace desktop products, select Reporting > Run Report. Alternatively, at the command line, use the polyspace-report-generator command.

After analysis, you can also export the result as a text file for further customization. Use the option -generate-results-list-file with the polyspace-report-generator command.

Command-Line Information

There is no command-line option to solely turn on the report generator. However, using the options -report-template for template and -report-output-format for output format automatically turns on the report generator.

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