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Model reference verification depth

Depth of model reference hierarchy for Polyspace analysis

Model Configuration Pane: Polyspace


The Model reference verification depth parameter determines the depth of the Polyspace® analysis in the model reference hierarchy. For instance, you can choose to include models that are up to a second level in the hierarchy in your analysis.

You can find this parameter in the Polyspace pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box, in theModel reference section.


This option applies only to code generated by Embedded Coder®.


Current model only (default) | 1 | 2 | 3 | All
Current model only

Polyspace analyzes only the current model.


Polyspace analyzes the current model and the referenced models that are one level below the current model.


Polyspace analyzes the current model and the referenced models that are up to two levels below the current model.


Polyspace analyzes the current model and the referenced models that are up to three levels below the current model.


Polyspace analyzes the current model and all referenced models.


If a referenced model is outside the specified depth, Polyspace assumes that code generated from the referenced model is stubbed. That is, the input and output variables of the generated code are assumed to be full-range.

Recommended Settings

DebuggingNo Impact
TraceabilityNo Impact
EfficiencyNo Impact
Safety precautionNo Impact

Programmatic Use

Parameter: ModelRefVerifDepth for use with pslinkoptions
Parameter: PSModelRefVerifDepth for use with set_param()
Values: 'Current model only' | '1' | '2' | '3' | 'All'
Default: 'Current model only'
Example: opt = pslinkoptions(modelname); opt.ModelRefVerifDepth = '2';

Version History

Introduced in R2016b

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