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Select AUTOSAR XML (ARXML) and Code Files for Polyspace Analysis

This topic describes a component-based approach to verifying AUTOSAR code with Polyspace. For an integration analysis approach, see Choose Between Component-Based and Integration Analysis of AUTOSAR Code with Polyspace.

If you run Polyspace® on an AUTOSAR project by providing only the ARXML and source root folder, you might run into setup errors.

  • A typical AUTOSAR root folder contains many extraneous files, for instance, files for testing and documentation. These files might have extensions such as .arxml or .c, and Polyspace might incorrectly treat them as ARXML or source files and include them in the analysis.

  • The implementation of some software components might be in progress and incomplete.

If you are familiar with the structure of your AUTOSAR project, you can exclude extraneous and incomplete files and folders from the analysis.

The polyspace-autosar options that support file selections are -select-arxml-files and -select-source-files. Since the fully qualified names of AUTOSAR behaviors and data types use similar separators as file paths, you can also specify behaviors with -autosar-behavior and data types with -autosar-datatype using the file selection syntax.

Adapt Linux find Command to Select Files

The file selection syntax closely emulates the Linux® find command. You specify a root folder followed by file inclusions and exclusions by using shell patterns or regular expressions.

For instance, to find all files with extension .arxml in a folder package, you use the Linux command:

find package -name '*.arxml'

To specify all ARXML files in the folder package, copy the part of the command following find. Provide the copied content as a string argument to the option -select-arxml-files of the polyspace-autosar command:

polyspace-autosar -select-arxml-files "package -name '*.arxml'"
In other words, you select ARXML files by specifying the root folder plus find options as a single string (within double quotes). During analysis, these ARXML files are not copied over to a temporary folder but selected from their respective locations.

If you enter the option in an options file (that you later use with the polyspace-autosar option -options-file), you do not need the double quotes around the string. You can append the find string to the -select-arxml-files option. For instance, you can enter this line in the options file:

-select-arxml-files package -name '*.arxml'

File Selection Options

The following find options are commonly required for file selection. Use the i format of the options for case-insensitive matching.

  • -name, -iname: Match file names with shell patterns.

  • -path, -ipath: Match file paths with shell patterns.

  • -regex, -iregex: Use regular expressions for matching instead of shell patterns.

Use -not before an option to exclude files or folders. To specify multiple patterns in a single string, simply place the patterns one after another. For instance, to exclude immediate subfolders subpackage1 and subpackage2 from a root folder, use this syntax:

-not -path 'subpackage1/*' -not -path 'subpackage2/*'

For more information on:

File Selection Examples

Some common uses of the file selection options are:

  • To specify only the ARXML files beginning with swc in the subfolder sub_package_windowControl within the root folder package, use this syntax:

    polyspace-autosar -select-arxml-files "package -path 'sub_package_windowControl/*' -name 'swc*.arxml'"

  • To exclude ARXML files from the subfolder test at any level in the file structure within the root folder package, use this syntax:

    polyspace-autosar -select-arxml-files "package -not -path '*/test/*' -name '*.arxml'"

  • To exclude ARXML files from the subfolder test and subfolder docs at any level in the file structure within the root folder package, use this syntax:

    polyspace-autosar -select-arxml-files "package -not -path '*/test/*' -not -path '*/docs/*' -name '*.arxml'"

  • To include all ARXML files from the root folder package except those ARXML files containing the string test, use this syntax:

    polyspace-autosar -select-arxml-files "package -name '*.arxml' -not -name '*test*.arxml'"

Likewise, you can include or exclude .c and .h files from analysis by using the -select-source-files option. Unlike -select-arxml-files, this option selects .c and .h files by default. For instance, to exclude source files from the subfolder test at any level in the file structure within the root folder package, use this syntax:

polyspace-autosar -select-source-files "package -not -path '*/test/*'"

Note that with -select-arxml-files earlier, you also had to specify the additional pattern -name '*.arxml'.

Root Folder Specification

If the root folder name contains spaces, enclose the folder name in double quotes. Because the folder name with file inclusions and exclusions is already in double quotes, you have to escape the additional quotes. For instance, if the root folder is C:\sdbx\ARXML dir1, to specify all ARXML files within this folder, use the command:

polyspace-autosar -select-arxml-files "\"C:\sdbx\ARXML dir1\" -name '*.arxml'"
The additional double quotes around the root folder are escaped as \".

If you specify the option in an options file (that you later use with the polyspace-autosar option -options-file), you do not need quotes around the find string and do not need to escape the additional double quotes. Enter this line in the options file:

-select-arxml-files "C:\sdbx\ARXML dir1" -name '*.arxml'

See Also

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