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Code Replacement Viewer

Explore content of code replacement libraries


The Code Replacement Viewer displays the content of code replacement libraries and tables. You can use this tool to explore and choose a code replacement library or to view a predefined code replacement table. If you develop a custom code replacement library, you can use this viewer to verify table entries for the following properties:

  • Argument order is correct.

  • Conceptual argument names match code generator naming conventions.

  • Implementation argument names are correct.

  • Header or source file specification is not missing.

  • I/O types are correct.

  • Relative priority of entries is correct (highest priority is 0, and lowest priority is 100).

  • Saturation or rounding mode specifications are not missing.

If you specify a library name when you open the viewer, the viewer displays the code replacement tables for that library. If you specify a table name when you open the viewer, the viewer displays the function and operator code replacement entries for that table. The viewer can only display code replacement tables that are defined. For more information on creating code replacement tables, see Define Code Replacement Library Optimizations (Embedded Coder).

Open the Code Replacement Viewer

Open from the MATLAB® command prompt using crviewer.


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This example opens the registered code replacement library GNU C99 extensions.

crviewer('GNU C99 extensions')

Code replacement viewer showing results for the GNU C99 extensions library.

This example opens a predefined code replacement table crl_table_sinfcn. To learn how to create this example table, see Define Code Replacement Library Optimizations (Embedded Coder).


Code replacement viewer showing the table crl_table_sinfcn.

Related Examples

Programmatic Use

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crviewer('library') opens the Code Replacement Viewer and displays the contents of library, where library is a character vector that names a registered code replacement library.

crviewer(table) opens the Code Replacement Viewer and displays the contents of a predefined table, where table is a MATLAB file that defines code replacement tables. The table must be user predefined and the file must be in the current folder or on the MATLAB path.

Version History

Introduced in R2014b