OFDM Precoding Over Static 2-by-2 MIMO Channel
This example creates a precoding matrix using the channel coefficients from a static 2-by-2 MIMO channel. This process allows MIMO transmissions without interference. It sends precoded data across the channel. Then, it uses effective channel estimates to recover this data, showing a transmission without errors.
rng(1); Nss = 2; % number of data streams Ntx = Nss; % number of transmit chains Nrx = Nss; % number of receive chains Nsym = 7; % number of data symbols per frame Nfft = 64; % OFDM FFT length Ncp = 16; % cyclic prefix length for OFDM modulator
Use the comm.MIMOChannel
System object to form a static MIMO channel. Keep the channel static by setting the Doppler shift to zero. Use the channel taps from the System object to obtain the channel matrix.
mimoChannel = comm.MIMOChannel(PathGainsOutputPort=true, ... SpatialCorrelationSpecification="None", ... NumTransmitAntennas=Ntx, ... NumReceiveAntennas=Nrx, ... MaximumDopplerShift=0); [~,chTaps] = mimoChannel(complex(zeros(1,2),zeros(1,2))); % step the object to get the channel taps H = squeeze(chTaps(1,1,:,:));
Break down the channel matrix with singular value decomposition (SVD) to find the precoding matrix and the effective channel matrix. Use the effective channel matrix to equalize the received signal and recover the data symbols.
[U,S,V] = svd(H); P = U'; % Use U' as the precoding matrix Heff = repmat(inv(V/S),1,1,Nfft); % Use inv(V/S) as the effective channel estimate Heff = permute(Heff,[3 1 2]); % Permute Heff to be Nfft-by-Nss-by-Ntx
Create data symbols, apply precoding, and transmit the precoded symbols using OFDM through the MIMO channel. Then, demodulate and equalize to retrieve the data symbols.
data = randi([0 1],2*Nfft*Nsym*Nss,1); % Create serial data stream x = pskmod(data,4,pi/4,InputType="bit"); % Generate QPSK data symbols frame = reshape(x,Nfft,Nsym,Nss); % Reshape to form OFDM grid precodeOut = ofdmPrecode(frame,P); % Precode the data symbols txOut = ofdmmod(precodeOut,Nfft,Ncp); % OFDM modulate the precoded symbols chanOut = mimoChannel(txOut); % Transmit through the MIMO channel rxIn = awgn(chanOut,50); % Add 50 dB of AWGN rxSym = ofdmdemod(rxIn,Nfft,Ncp); % OFDM-demodulate the received signals eqOut = ofdmEqualize(rxSym,Heff); % Equalize the symbols y = reshape(eqOut,[],1); % Serialize the symbols rxData = pskdemod(y,4,pi/4,OutputType="bit"); % Decode the symbols using QPSK
Show that the received data is recovered perfectly without any errors.
constDiag = comm.ConstellationDiagram; constDiag(y);
fprintf('Bit errors = %d\n',biterr(rxData,data));
Bit errors = 0
OFDM Precoding for Static Frequency Selective MIMO Channel
This example shows how to compute precoding matrices for each subcarrier in an OFDM-MIMO system. It uses channel estimates from a static, frequency-selective 2-by-2 MIMO channel. The goal is to enable interference-free MIMO transmission. You send precoded data over the channel and recover it using effective channel estimates to achieve error-free transmission.
rng(1); Nss = 2; % number of data streams Ntx = Nss; % number of transmit chains Nrx = Nss; % number of receive chains Nsym = 7; % number of data symbols per frame Nfft = 64; % OFDM FFT length Ncp = 16; % OFDM cyclic prefix length
Channel Sounding
To find the coefficiets of the MIMO channel matrix coefficients, one transmit antenna sends out a reference signal. Both the transmitter and receiver know this signal. Meanwhile, the other transmit antennas send nothing. This way, the receiving antennas get a clear signal to measure the channel coefficients accurately.
Create a static, frequency-selective MIMO channel using the comm.MIMOChannel
System object. To keep the channel unchanged, set the Doppler shift to zero. Introduce path delays to make the channel frequency-selective. Turn on visualization for the channel from transmit antenna 1 to receive antenna 1. In the resulting frequency response, you can see that each subcarrier goes through a different channel response and each subcarrier needs its own precoding matrix.
mimoChannel = comm.MIMOChannel( ... MaximumDopplerShift=0, ... SpatialCorrelationSpecification="None", ... NumTransmitAntennas=Ntx, ... NumReceiveAntennas=Nrx, ... SampleRate=1e6, ... PathDelays=[0 1e-6 3e-6], ... AveragePathGains=[0 -6 -9], ... Visualization="Frequency Response");
MIMO Channel Sounding
For MIMO channel sounding, use an OFDM reference signal to map the channel across all subcarriers and antennas. To find the channel coefficients h11 and h12, send a reference signal from antenna 1 and keep antenna 2 silent.
H = zeros(Nfft,Ntx,Nrx); % MIMO channel matrix ref = pskmod(randi([0 3],Nfft,1,Ntx),4,pi/4); % Generate QPSK reference symbol ref(:,1,2) = zeros(Nfft,1); % Silence tx antenna 2 txOut = ofdmmod(ref,Nfft,Ncp); % OFD-modulate the symbols rxIn = mimoChannel(txOut); % Sound the MIMO channel rxSym = ofdmdemod(rxIn,Nfft,Ncp); % OFDM-demodulate the symols H(:,1,:) = rxSym(:,1,:) ./ ref(:,1,1); % Estimate channel using least-squares
Repeat the sounding process to obtain the channel coefficients h21 and h22 by transmitting a reference signal from antenna 2 while keeping antenna 1 silent.
ref = pskmod(randi([0 3],Nfft,1,Ntx),4,pi/4); % Generate QPSK reference symbol ref(:,1,1) = zeros(Nfft,1); % Silence tx antenna 1 txOut = ofdmmod(ref,Nfft,Ncp); % OFDM-modulate the symbols rxIn = mimoChannel(txOut); % Sound the MIMO channel rxSym = ofdmdemod(rxIn,Nfft,Ncp); % OFDM-demodulate the symbols H(:,2,:) = rxSym(:,1,:) ./ ref(:,1,2); % Estimate channel using least-squares
Break down the channel matrices for each subcarrier using singular value decomposition (SVD). This step gives you the precoding matrix and the effective channel matrix for that subcarrier. Use the effective channel matrix to balance the received signal and retrieve the data symbols.
P = zeros(Nss,Ntx,Nfft); % Precoding array Heff = zeros(Nfft,Nrx,Nss); % Effective channel array for sc = 1:Nfft [U,S,V] = svd(squeeze(H(sc,:,:))); P(:,:,sc) = U'; % Use U' as the precoding matrix Heff(sc,:,:) = inv(V/S); % Use inv(V/S) as the effective channel estimate end
Create data symbols, apply precoding, and send them through the MIMO channel using OFDM.
data = randi([0 1],2*Nfft*Nsym*Nss,1); % Create serial data stream x = pskmod(data,4,pi/4,InputType="bit"); % Generate QPSK data symbols frame = reshape(x,Nfft,Nsym,Nss); % Reshape to form OFDM grid precodeOut = ofdmPrecode(frame,P); % Precode the data symbols txOut = ofdmmod(precodeOut,Nfft,Ncp); % OFDM-modulate the precoded symbols chanOut = mimoChannel(txOut); % Transmit through the MIMO channel
Then, demodulate and equalize the signal to get back the data symbols.
rxIn = awgn(chanOut,60); % Add 60 dB of AWGN rxSym = ofdmdemod(rxIn,Nfft,Ncp); % OFDM-demodulate the received signals eqOut = ofdmEqualize(rxSym,Heff); % Equalize the symbols y = reshape(eqOut,[],1); % Serialize the symbols rxData = pskdemod(y,4,pi/4,OutputType="bit"); % Decode the symbols using QPSK
Show that the output constellation is free of interference.
constDiag = comm.ConstellationDiagram; constDiag(y);
Show that the received data is recovered without error.
fprintf('Bit errors = %d\n',biterr(rxData,data));
Bit errors = 0
Input Arguments
— OFDM input data
array of real or complex values
OFDM input data, specified as an array of real or complex values of size
is the number of precoded subcarriers.Nsym
is the number of OFDM data symbols.Nss
is the number of spatial streams.
Data Types: single
| double
Complex Number Support: Yes
— Precoder matrix
matrix | array of precoder matrices
Precoder matrix, specified as a matrix of size
or an array of precoder matrices of size
where Ntxchains
is the number of transmit chains.
is a matrix, it is used across allNsc
is an array of precoder matrices, each nth matrix inP(:,:,n)
is applied to the nth data subcarrier inin
Data Types: single
| double
Complex Number Support: Yes
Output Arguments
— Precoded output data
Precoded output symbols, returned as an array of size
is the number of spatial streams.Ntxchains
is the number of transmit chains.Nsc
is the number of precoded subcarriers.
MIMO Overview
MIMO transmission takes advantage of channels that have a large number of multipath signals between the transmitter and receiver. You can mathematically decompose the channel and consider each of the multipath as independent data paths. These data paths increase the channel capacity of the transmission system. Now you can transmit multiple independent data streams over each path with reduced interference between the paths.
Using Ntxchains
antennas, the MIMO transmitter
creates up to Ntxchains
data streams. Let the
number of data streams be Nss
, where
. After the mathematical
decomposition of the channel, the 1-by-Nss
transformed rotationally through a matrix multiplication of a precoding matrix with the
input data signal. This rotation of the data across the
dimensions reduces the correlation between
the data significantly, depending on the richness of the multiple data paths. If
, the precoding matrix increases the
dimensionality of the signal to send Nss
streams through Ntxchains
antennas, taking
advantage of a high-rank channel (a channel that can support many independent data
Mathematically, for a single carrier signal, you precode
data stream d
matrix P
to get a precoder output y = d*P
. For
multicarrier modulation, the data streams and precoding matrices operate independently on a
per-subcarrier basis.
Version History
Introduced in R2024b
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