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Deploy to .NET Applications Using MATLAB Data API for .NET

Integrate packaged MATLAB® functions into .NET applications using the MATLAB Data API for data exchange

MATLAB Compiler SDK™ API for .NET provides an interface between .NET applications and MATLAB code deployed within those applications. This API enables .NET applications to launch MATLAB Runtime instances and evaluate deployed MATLAB functions with arguments. The API supports asynchronous task execution for MATLAB library calls, and leverages modern .NET constructs for writing streamlined application code.

MATLAB Compiler SDK API for .NET uses the MATLAB Data API for .NET to handle the data exchange between a .NET application and deployed MATLAB code. For details, see Call MATLAB from .NET.

All .NET applications created using MATLAB Compiler SDK API for .NET and MATLAB Data API for .NET can be developed and published across Windows®, Linux®, and macOS platforms. This means it's possible to develop on any one of these platforms and publish to any of the other two. (since R2023a)

Functions .NET assembly for deployment outside MATLAB (Since R2021a) for building .NET assemblies (Since R2021a) build results object (Since R2020b)
compiler.package.installerCreate an installer for files generated by MATLAB Compiler (Since R2020a)
compiler.package.InstallerOptionsOptions for creating MATLAB Compiler package installers (Since R2020a)


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MathWorks.MATLAB.Runtime.MATLABRuntime.NET class that represents a MATLAB Runtime instance (Since R2022b)
MathWorks.MATLAB.Runtime.NojvmAttribute.NET attribute class that launches MATLAB Runtime without Java Virtual Machine (JVM) support (Since R2022b)
MathWorks.MATLAB.Runtime.OutOfProcessAttribute.NET attribute class to start a separate process to run a .NET assembly (Since R2022b)
MathWorks.MATLAB.Runtime.RuntimeOptionAttribute.NET attribute class for specifying MATLAB Runtime options that are passed to the application at initialization time (Since R2022b)



Create, Integrate, and Publish

Data Mapping

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