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List data acquisition devices available to toolbox

Since R2020a


daqlist displays a table of all available devices for all supported vendors. The information for each device includes device IDs, descriptions, models, and device subsystems.


daqlist(vendor) lists all available devices for the specified vendor in table format.

dev = daqlist(___) assigns the device table to dev. You can access individual table cells by indexing position or column labels.



collapse all

List all available devices.

dev = daqlist
dev =

  12×5 table

      VendorID        DeviceID                             Description                                                Model                              DeviceInfo     
    _____________    ___________    __________________________________________________________    ______________________________________________    ____________________

    "ni"             "Dev2"         "National Instruments(TM) PCIe-6363"                          "PCIe-6363"                                       [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo]
    "ni"             "PXI1Slot2"    "National Instruments(TM) PXI-4461"                           "PXI-4461"                                        [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo]
    "adi"            "SMU1"         "Analog Devices Inc. ADALM1000"                               "ADALM1000"                                       [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo]
    "directsound"    "Audio0"       "DirectSound Primary Sound Capture Driver"                    "Primary Sound Capture Driver"                    [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo]
    "directsound"    "Audio1"       "DirectSound Headset Microphone (Plantronics BT600)"          "Headset Microphone (Plantronics BT600)"          [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo]
    "directsound"    "Audio2"       "DirectSound Primary Sound Driver"                            "Primary Sound Driver"                            [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo]
    "directsound"    "Audio3"       "DirectSound Headset Earphone (Plantronics BT600)"            "Headset Earphone (Plantronics BT600)"            [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo]
    "directsound"    "Audio4"       "DirectSound LEN T2454pA (NVIDIA High Definition Audio):1"    "LEN T2454pA (NVIDIA High Definition Audio):1"    [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo]
    "directsound"    "Audio5"       "DirectSound LEN T2454pA (NVIDIA High Definition Audio):2"    "LEN T2454pA (NVIDIA High Definition Audio):2"    [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo]
    "directsound"    "Audio6"       "DirectSound Speakers (Lenovo USB Soundbar)"                  "Speakers (Lenovo USB Soundbar)"                  [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo]
    "directsound"    "Audio7"       "DirectSound Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)"        "Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)"        [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo]
    "mcc"            "Board0"       "Measurement Computing Corp. USB-1208FS-Plus"                 "USB-1208FS-Plus"                                 [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo]

List all available National Instruments™ devices.

dev = daqlist("ni")
dev =

  12×5 table

      VendorID       DeviceID                  Description                    Model         DeviceInfo     
    ____________    ___________    ____________________________________    ___________    ____________________

    "ni"            "Dev2"         "National Instruments(TM) PCIe-6363"     "PCIe-6363"   [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo]
    "ni"            "PXI1Slot2"    "National Instruments(TM) PXI-4461"      "PXI-4461"    [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo]

View details of the first device.

devinfo = dev.DeviceInfo(1)
devinfo =

ni: National Instruments(TM) PCIe-6363 (Device ID: 'Dev2')
   Analog input supports:
      7 ranges supported
      Rates from 0.1 to 2000000.0 scans/sec
      32 channels ('ai0' - 'ai31')
      'Voltage' measurement type
   Analog output supports:
      -5.0 to +5.0 Volts,-10 to +10 Volts ranges
      Rates from 0.1 to 2857142.9 scans/sec
      4 channels ('ao0','ao1','ao2','ao3')
      'Voltage' measurement type
   Digital IO supports:
      Rates from 0.1 to 10000000.0 scans/sec
      48 channels ('port0/line0' - 'port2/line7')
      'InputOnly','OutputOnly','Bidirectional' measurement types
   Counter input supports:
      Rates from 0.1 to 100000000.0 scans/sec
      4 channels ('ctr0','ctr1','ctr2','ctr3')
      'EdgeCount','PulseWidth','Frequency','Position' measurement types
   Counter output supports:
      Rates from 0.1 to 100000000.0 scans/sec
      4 channels ('ctr0','ctr1','ctr2','ctr3')
      'PulseGeneration' measurement type

Input Arguments

collapse all

Device vendor specified as a string or character vector.

Example: "ni"

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

collapse all

List of available devices, returned as a table.

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

See Also


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