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Set Up Your System for Device Detection

For interfacing with your device from MATLAB® and Data Acquisition Toolbox™, you must have the required support package, drivers, and sometimes third-party apps installed. See the following sections for your particular vendor to set up your system or to troubleshoot device discovery issues.

NI Devices

  • Make sure the supported NI-DAQmx version is installed. You can install the Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for National Instruments™ NI-DAQmx Devices using Add-On Explorer.

  • Reboot the computer after the NI-DAQmx support package installation completes.

  • If the support package fails to install or if you are using a MATLAB release that does not have a support package for NI-DAQmx, you can install NI-DAQmx separately from MATLAB as described in Why does "Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for National Instruments NI-DAQmx Devices" fail to install?

  • Confirm that the "ni" vendor is listed as operational by daqvendorlist.

  • Confirm that you are using the supported NI-DAQmx driver version.

    • Data Acquisition Toolbox software is compatible with only specific versions of the NI-DAQmx driver, and is not guaranteed to work with other versions. For a list of the NI-DAQmx driver versions that are compatible with Data Acquisition Toolbox, see the driver version table in the “Required Products and Hardware section” in NI-DAQmx Support from Data Acquisition Toolbox.

    • You can find the installed NI-DAQmx driver version with daqvendorlist or in the NI™ Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI MAX).

  • If an unsupported NI-DAQmx version is currently installed on the computer, you can:

    1. Uninstall it using NI Package Manager. Launch the NI Package Manager directly from the Windows Start Menu or access it from Windows Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a program > NI Software > Uninstall/Change. In the NI Package Manager window, select "NI-DAQmx" from the product list and click Remove.

    2. Install the supported NI-DAQmx version as described above.

  • If you are using an Ethernet or Wi-Fi® network CompactDAQ chassis or FieldDAQ device, first reserve the chassis or device in NI MAX. Only one system can reserve a network device at any one time. For more information, see Why can't Data Acquisition Toolbox detect my NI DAQ devices connected through a cDAQ network chassis?

DirectSound Audio Devices

  • Make sure the Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Windows® Sound Cards is installed. You can install it with Add-On Explorer.

  • Some audio interface devices require the installation of DirectSound compatible drivers provided by the device vendor.

  • Audio input devices might require connecting a microphone to be detected correctly.

  • Verify that your audio device is detected and operating as expected when using other applications that use DirectSound, such as Audacity.

Measurement Computing (MCC) Devices

  • Make sure the Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Measurement Computing™ Hardware is installed. You can install it with Add-On Explorer.

  • Confirm that the "mcc" vendor is listed as operational by daqvendorlist.

  • Confirm that you are using the supported MCC DAQ driver (Instacal) version.

    • Data Acquisition Toolbox software is compatible with only specific versions of the MCC DAQ driver (Instacal), and is not guaranteed to work with other versions. For a list of the driver versions that are compatible with Data Acquisition Toolbox, see the driver version table in the “Required Products and Hardware” section of Measurement Computing DAQ Support from Data Acquisition Toolbox.

    • You can find the installed Instacal version with the Instacal app or with the MATLAB function daqvendorlist.

  • If an unsupported Instacal version is currently installed on the computer, you can:

    1. Uninstall it from Windows Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a program.

    2. Uninstall the Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Measurement Computing Hardware using Add-On Manager.

    3. Install the Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Measurement Computing Hardware using Add-On Explorer.

  • Open the Instacal app and configure your device. The device must be configured in Instacal before MATLAB can recognize it.

Digilent Analog Discovery Devices

  • Make sure the Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Digilent™ Analog Discovery™ Hardware is installed. You can install it with Add-On Explorer.

  • Confirm that the "digilent" vendor is listed as operational by daqvendorlist.

  • Confirm that you are using the supported Digilent WaveForms driver version.

    • Data Acquisition Toolbox software is compatible with only specific versions of the Digilent WaveForms driver, and is not guaranteed to work with other versions. For a list of the driver versions that are compatible with Data Acquisition Toolbox, see the driver version table in the “Required Products and Hardware” section in Digilent Analog Discovery Support from MATLAB.

    • You can find the installed WaveForms version with daqvendorlist or in Digilent Waveforms.

  • If an unsupported Waveforms version is currently installed on the computer, you can:

    1. Uninstall it from Windows Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a program.

    2. Uninstall the Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Digilent Analog Discovery Hardware using Add-On Manager.

    3. Install the Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Digilent Analog Discovery Hardware using Add-On Explorer.

  • Confirm that the device is detected by Digilent WaveForms.

Analog Devices ADALM1000 Devices

  • Make sure the Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Analog Devices® ADALM1000 Hardware is installed. You can install it with Add-On Explorer.

  • Plug in your device, and run daqreset.

  • Run daqvendorlist, and confirm that the "adi" vendor is listed as operational.

See Also


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