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Sample Bloomberg EMSX event handler

Since R2021a


processEvent(c) displays and flushes the event queue associated with the Bloomberg® EMSX connection c with the Bloomberg EMSX C++ interface. processEvent is a sample event handler function. You can build a custom event handler function to process Bloomberg EMSX events.



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Create the Bloomberg EMSX connection c using the Bloomberg EMSX C++ interface.

c = bloombergEMSX('//blp/emapisvc_beta');

Use timer to continually process the Bloomberg EMSX event queue.

 t = timer('TimerFcn',{@c.eventhandler},'Period',1,...

t is the MATLAB® timer object. For details, see timer.

Close the Bloomberg EMSX connection.


Create the Bloomberg EMSX connection c using the Bloomberg EMSX C++ interface.

c = bloombergEMSX('//blp/emapisvc_beta');

Use the default event handler function processEvent to process the Bloomberg EMSX event queue once.

SessionConnectionUp = {

    server = "localhost/"


SessionStarted = {


ServiceOpened = {

    serviceName = "//blp/emapisvc_beta"


processEvent clears the Bloomberg EMSX event queue.

Close the Bloomberg EMSX connection.


Input Arguments

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Bloomberg EMSX service connection, specified as a bloombergEMSX object.

Version History

Introduced in R2021a