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Unsubscribe Money.Net real-time data updates


stop(c) unsubscribes real-time data updates associated with the Money.Net connection c.


stop(c,symbols) unsubscribes real-time data updates for the specified symbols.



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Create Money.Net connection c using a user name and password.

username = '';
pwd = '999999';

c = moneynet(username,pwd);

Subscribe to the symbols IBM® and Yahoo!® for real-time data updates using the Money.Net connection c.

symbols = ["IBM" "YHOO"];


The default event handler function processes real-time data updates.

Unsubscribe from all symbol subscriptions.


The default event handler function stops processing all real-time data updates. For details about the event handler function, see realtime.

Close the Money.Net connection.


Create Money.Net connection c using a user name and password.

username = '';
pwd = '999999';

c = moneynet(username,pwd);

Subscribe to the symbols IBM and Yahoo! for real-time data updates using the Money.Net connection c.

symbols = ["IBM" "YHOO"];


The default event handler function processes real-time data updates.

Unsubscribe from real-time data updates for IBM only.

symbol = 'IBM';


The default event handler function stops processing real-time data updates for IBM. The real-time data updates continue for Yahoo! only. For details about the event handler function, see realtime.

Close the Money.Net connection.


Input Arguments

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Money.Net connection, specified as a connection object created using moneynet.

Money.Net symbol list, specified as a character vector, cell array of character vectors, string scalar, or a string array. To specify one symbol, use a character vector or string scalar. To specify multiple symbols, use a cell array of character vectors or a string array.

Example: 'IBM'

Example: {'IBM','GOOG'}

Data Types: char | cell | string

Version History

Introduced in R2016b

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