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Class: dlhdl.Workflow
Namespace: dlhdl

Retrieve bitstream resource utilization

Since R2021a


area = getBuildInfo(workflowObject) returns a structure containing the bitstream resource utilization.


Input Arguments

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Deep learning network deployment options, specified as a dlhdl.Workflow object.

Output Arguments

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Bitstream resource utilization returned as a structure.

  • The Block Memory Bits utilization is available for Intel® bitstreams only.

  • The resource utilization results of Intel bitstreams show the Block RAM utilization as 100%. To analyze bitstream resource utilization, refer to the Block Memory Bits utilization instead.


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  1. Create a file in your current working folder called getLogoNetwork.m. In the file, enter:

    function net = getLogoNetwork
     if ~isfile('LogoNet.mat')
            url = '';
        data = load('LogoNet.mat');
        net  = data.convnet;
  2. Create a dlhdl.Workflow object that has LogoNet as the Network argument and arria10soc_single as the Bitstream argument.

    snet = getLogoNetwork;
    hW = dlhdl.Workflow('Network',snet,'Bitstream','arria10soc_single');
  3. Call getBuildInfo argument to retrieve the arria10soc_single resource utilization. Store the resource utilization in area.

    area = hW.getBuildInfo
                  Deep Learning Processor Bitstream Build Info
    Resource                   Utilized           Total        Percentage
    ------------------        ----------      ------------    ------------
    LUTs (CLB/ALM)*               93578            251680           37.18
    DSPs                            278              1687           16.48
    Block RAM                      2131              2131          100.00
    Block Memory Bits          23211920          43642880           53.19
    * LUT count represents Configurable Logic Block(CLB) utilization in Xilinx devices and Adaptive Logic Module (ALM) utilization in Intel devices.
    area = 
      struct with fields:
                    LUT: [93578 251680]
        BlockMemoryBits: [23211920 43642880]
               BlockRAM: [2131 2131]
                    DSP: [278 1687]

Version History

Introduced in R2021a

See Also

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