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Programmatic Scene and Scenario Management

Programmatically open, import, and manage scenes and scenarios by using a roadrunner object

The roadrunner object enables you to manage RoadRunner scenarios from the MATLAB® command line. You can open, save, import, and export scenarios, scenes, and projects. You can also set scenario variables and create simulations for RoadRunner Scenario. To get started using RoadRunner with MATLAB, see Connect MATLAB and RoadRunner to Control and Analyze Simulations.

RoadRunner also provides MATLAB functions to convert custom data into the RoadRunner HD Map data model and import your data into RoadRunner. Using these functions, you can create a new map, edit an existing map, and read and write from file. You can also represent lanes, lane boundaries, lane markings, junctions, barriers, and signs in the HD map.


roadrunnerStart RoadRunner application using MATLAB (Since R2022a)
roadrunnerHDMapCreate RoadRunner HD Map using MATLAB (Since R2022b)


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newScenarioCreate new scenario in RoadRunner Scenario using MATLAB (Since R2022a)
openScenarioOpen scenario in RoadRunner Scenario using MATLAB (Since R2022a)
saveScenarioSave scenario in RoadRunner Scenario using MATLAB (Since R2022a)
exportScenarioExport scenario from RoadRunner Scenario using MATLAB (Since R2022a)
importScenarioImport file into RoadRunner Scenario using MATLAB (Since R2022a)
getScenarioVariableGet the value of RoadRunner scenario variable using MATLAB (Since R2022a)
getAllScenarioVariablesGet the values of all RoadRunner scenario variables using MATLAB (Since R2023b)
setScenarioVariableSet RoadRunner scenario variable using MATLAB (Since R2022a)
createSimulationCreate RoadRunner Scenario simulation using MATLAB (Since R2022a)
prepareSimulationSubmit simulation data to RoadRunner Scenario simulation engine using MATLAB (Since R2024a)
simulateScenarioSimulate RoadRunner scenario using MATLAB (Since R2024a)
remapAnchorRemap anchors in RoadRunner Scenario in MATLAB (Since R2022b)
getAnchorsRetrieve anchor attributes from RoadRunner scenario using MATLAB (Since R2024a)
newSceneCreate new RoadRunner scene using MATLAB (Since R2022a)
openSceneOpen RoadRunner scene using MATLAB (Since R2022a)
saveSceneSave RoadRunner scene using MATLAB (Since R2022a)
exportSceneExport RoadRunner scene using MATLAB (Since R2022a)
importSceneImport scene into RoadRunner using MATLAB (Since R2022a)
exportCustomFormatExport RoadRunner scene to custom format using MATLAB (Since R2022a)
changeWorldSettingsModify world settings of active scene using MATLAB (Since R2023b)
newProjectCreate new RoadRunner project using MATLAB (Since R2022a)
openProjectOpen RoadRunner project using MATLAB (Since R2022a)
saveProjectSave RoadRunner project using MATLAB (Since R2022a)
connectConnect to open instance of RoadRunner using MATLAB (Since R2022a)
closeClose RoadRunner using MATLAB (Since R2022a)
statusGet current status of RoadRunner using MATLAB (Since R2022b)
roadrunnerSetupStart RoadRunner interactively using MATLAB (Since R2023b)
writeWrite HD Map to binary file using MATLAB (Since R2022b)
readRead HD Map from binary file using MATLAB (Since R2022b)
plotPlot RoadRunner HD Map using MATLAB (Since R2022b)
readCRSRead coordinate reference system (CRS) data from RoadRunner HD map using MATLAB (Since R2023a)


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