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Extract properties of roads in path of actor

Since R2022b


actorRoadProperties = selectActorRoads(roadProperties,waypoints) extracts properties of roads in the path of an actor, actorRoadProperties, from the input road properties roadProperties, which contains road information for a road network. waypoints specifies the position of the actor at each waypoint.


actorRoadProperties = selectActorRoads(___,Name=Value) specifies options using name-value arguments in addition to the input arguments from the previous syntax. For example, MaxDistance=2 specifies the maximum distance from a waypoint to a road boundary as 2 meters.


This function requires the Scenario Builder for Automated Driving Toolbox™ support package. You can install Scenario Builder for Automated Driving Toolbox from the Add-On Explorer. For more information about installing add-ons, see Get and Manage Add-Ons.



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Specify geographic coordinates to create waypoints for an actor.

lat = linspace(42.300742,42.301988,50);
lon = linspace(-71.352551,-71.345491,50);
alt = zeros(1,50);

Use latitude and longitude to fetch the map parameters for the corresponding region.

mapParameters = getMapROI(lat,lon);

Use the osmUrl parameter in the mapParameters output structure to import and save the OpenStreetMap file.

filename = websave("drive_map.osm",mapParameters.osmUrl, ...

Get the road network properties from the map.

[roadProperties,geoReference] = roadprops("OpenStreetMap",filename);

Convert the geographic coordinates to local Cartesian coordinates, and create waypoints.

[xEast,yNorth,zUp] = latlon2local(lat,lon,alt,geoReference);
waypoints = [xEast; yNorth; zUp]';

Extract and display the actor road properties.

actorRoadProperties = selectActorRoads(roadProperties,waypoints)
actorRoadProperties=18×10 table
    RoadID    JunctionID         RoadName          RoadCenters     RoadWidth      BankAngle         Heading          Lanes         LeftBoundary     RightBoundary 
    ______    __________    __________________    _____________    _________    _____________    _____________    ____________    ______________    ______________

       3          0         "Wheeler Lane"        {14×3 double}      7.35       {14×1 double}    {14×1 double}    1×1 lanespec    {132×3 double}    {132×3 double}
      11          0         "Worcester Street"    {44×3 double}      3.75       {41×1 double}    {41×1 double}    1×1 lanespec    {860×3 double}    {860×3 double}
      24          0         "567740618"           {18×3 double}      7.35       {18×1 double}    {18×1 double}    1×1 lanespec    {181×3 double}    {181×3 double}
      25          0         "567740619"           { 5×3 double}      3.75       { 5×1 double}    { 5×1 double}    1×1 lanespec    { 20×3 double}    { 20×3 double}
      26          0         "567740619"           { 5×3 double}      3.75       { 5×1 double}    { 5×1 double}    1×1 lanespec    { 20×3 double}    { 20×3 double}
      28          0         "567741165"           { 2×3 double}      7.35       { 2×1 double}    { 2×1 double}    1×1 lanespec    { 37×3 double}    { 37×3 double}
      29          0         "567741168"           {51×3 double}      7.35       {10×1 double}    {10×1 double}    1×1 lanespec    { 66×3 double}    { 66×3 double}
      30          0         "567741168"           {13×3 double}      7.35       {13×1 double}    {13×1 double}    1×1 lanespec    { 78×3 double}    { 78×3 double}
      34          0         "567741798"           {19×3 double}      7.35       {19×1 double}    {19×1 double}    1×1 lanespec    { 74×3 double}    { 74×3 double}
      35          0         "567741799"           { 4×3 double}      7.35       { 4×1 double}    { 4×1 double}    1×1 lanespec    { 11×3 double}    { 11×3 double}
      36          0         "567741799"           { 7×3 double}      7.35       { 7×1 double}    { 7×1 double}    1×1 lanespec    { 24×3 double}    { 24×3 double}
      37          0         "567741799"           { 3×3 double}      7.35       { 3×1 double}    { 3×1 double}    1×1 lanespec    { 15×3 double}    { 15×3 double}
      39          0         "567741801"           { 3×3 double}      7.35       { 3×1 double}    { 3×1 double}    1×1 lanespec    { 14×3 double}    { 14×3 double}
      41          0         "567741801"           { 3×3 double}      7.35       { 3×1 double}    { 3×1 double}    1×1 lanespec    { 15×3 double}    { 15×3 double}
      55          0         "Worcester Street"    { 2×3 double}      3.75       { 2×1 double}    { 2×1 double}    1×1 lanespec    { 22×3 double}    { 22×3 double}
      56          0         "Worcester Street"    { 3×3 double}      3.75       { 3×1 double}    { 3×1 double}    1×1 lanespec    {  9×3 double}    {  9×3 double}

Specify geographic coordinates to create waypoints for an actor.

lat = linspace(42.300742,42.301688,50);
lon = linspace(-71.352551,-71.345491,50);
alt = zeros(1,50);

Use latitude and longitude to fetch the map parameters for the corresponding region.

mapParameters = getMapROI(lat,lon);

Use the osmUrl parameter in the mapParameters output structure to import and save the OpenStreetMap file.

filename = websave("drive_map.osm",mapParameters.osmUrl, ...

Get the road network properties from the map.

[roadProperties,geoReference] = roadprops("OpenStreetMap",filename);

Convert the geographic coordinates to local Cartesian coordinates, and create waypoints.

[xEast,yNorth,zUp] = latlon2local(lat,lon,alt,geoReference);
waypoints = [xEast; yNorth; zUp]';

Extract and display the actor road properties.

actorRoadProperties = selectActorRoads(roadProperties,waypoints, ...
    RoadNames="Worcester Street")
actorRoadProperties=4×10 table
    RoadID    JunctionID         RoadName          RoadCenters     RoadWidth      BankAngle         Heading          Lanes         LeftBoundary     RightBoundary 
    ______    __________    __________________    _____________    _________    _____________    _____________    ____________    ______________    ______________

       7          0         "Worcester Street"    {44×3 double}      3.75       {41×1 double}    {41×1 double}    1×1 lanespec    {860×3 double}    {860×3 double}
       8          0         "Worcester Street"    { 2×3 double}      3.75       { 2×1 double}    { 2×1 double}    1×1 lanespec    {126×3 double}    {126×3 double}
       9          0         "Worcester Street"    { 2×3 double}      3.75       { 2×1 double}    { 2×1 double}    1×1 lanespec    {124×3 double}    {124×3 double}
      10          0         "Worcester Street"    {30×3 double}      3.75       {34×1 double}    {34×1 double}    1×1 lanespec    {522×3 double}    {522×3 double}

Input Arguments

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Road properties of a road network, specified as a table. The table must contain these columns.


Identifier of road, specified as a positive integer.

JunctionIDIdentifier of junction, specified as a positive integer.

Name of road, specified as a character vector.


Road centers used to define a road, specified as a real-valued N-by-3 matrix, where N is the number of road centers.


Width of road in meters, specified as a positive real scalar.

LeftBoundary Left boundaries of the road segment, specified as an M-by-3 matrix. M is the number of road boundary points.
RightBoundary Right boundaries of the road segment, specified as an M-by-3 matrix. M is the number of road boundary points.

Actor positions in the navigation coordinate system, in meters, specified as a P-by-3 matrix. P is the number of waypoints. Each waypoint represents the position of the actor in the form [x y z].

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: selectActorRoads(roadProperties,waypoints,MaxDistance=2) specifies the maximum distance from a waypoint to a road boundary as 2 meters.

Maximum Euclidean distance from a waypoint to a road boundary, in meters, specified as a nonnegative scalar. Roads with boundaries at a distance greater than MaxDistance from each waypoint are excluded in the returned actorRoadProperties table.

Data Types: single | double

Name of the roads in the path of an actor, specified as a character vector, string scalar, string array, or cell array of character vectors.

By default, the function returns the properties of all the roads in the path of the actor. If you specify this argument, the function extracts only the roads in the path of the actor that are specified in RoadNames.

To use this name-value argument, you must know the names of the roads beforehand.


Road names are generally present only for road networks extracted using an OpenStreetMap® road network file.

Data Types: string | char | cell

Output Arguments

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Actor road properties, returned as a table. The table contains the properties of the roads near the specified actor waypoints. This table has the same columns as the roadProperties table.

Version History

Introduced in R2022b

See Also

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